Fire Should be Banned! (Featuring @kyriacos as author)

in #anarchy9 years ago

Fire is way too dangerous. Many people use fire for very bad purposes. Fire should remain restricted and only be allowed under government licensing.

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Even if most people know how to take precautions from fire, a few irresponsible and dangerous individuals are enough to restrict the use for the general public. Imagine letting your kids around fire! The horror!

Just yesterday a woman was burned at her own home by using her gas furnace. More than 50.000 accidents involving fire take place everyday in our country. Thousands of forest acres are burning right now all around the planet! Fire destroys lives! It eliminates our children’s future! It eradicates dreams and hopes! We should fight fire together for a better tomorrow!

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Now replace the word fire with “drugs”, “guns”, “knives” and you will understand how the government spreads fear by using a sensationalist narrative. Just because something can cause problems for some people, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the government or anyone else should step up to “protect” you.

Most of our liberties are restricted due to fear mongering and we are the ones responsible for this, not the government. The politicians that raise these restrictions for us are only doing their job. They are representing the people's’ wishes. Talk to each other about your problems. Express your fears and worries. The more we fear things around us the more we end up strapping chains on our own ankles.

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Anarchy is a state of mind, not something to rebel against the “Bad Government”. The “Bad Government” is your neighbor, your brother, your sister, your friends. Only through communication and setting examples can one overcome this desperate need for safety. Laws against fire, drugs or guns protect people as much as the 1 meter fence in front of your house protects you against thieves. It is useless. Regulations create the illusion of safety, and the illusion is much more dangerous than reality itself.


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Reminds me of the article/survey calling for the banning of di-hydrogen-monoxide -- the leading cause of drowning worldwide.

Wait until sex is restricted. Like in the movie "demolition man"

I ain't had none in 3 years, guess I have been "restricted"

Hey, I've been married to the same guy for 9 years. Our idea of sex is either back scratches or saying "Fuck you" to each other. LOL

Dude, you're hilarious and I'm sorry

"Can't we just do it the old fashioned way?!"

what do you mean "wait"
Sexual restriction is one of the main reasons religions exist!

"Anarchy is a state of mind."

This is a bit chilling to hear.
If it's a state of mind, and not a reason to protest or rebel against a malicious government, then nothing will change.

Anarchists will quietly stand off to the side, pretending like they're free when they smoke weed as secretly as possible or whatever.

Is this really what we want? Shouldn't anarchy be more than just a state of mind?


There are many ways to protest if your mind is set to it. For example you can tax evade or use loopholes in the system to take advantage of the situation. You can bring it down commando style instead of going full-retard on the front line like an old-time sucker "hero".

If you want to be really practical and walk the talk the join Liberland. I don't think many anarchists have the balls to do it though. Go off the grid is another option. "Protesting" in the street with a mask and then going home writing crap in the internet, playing games etc means nothing.

"Fire should remain restricted"

It already kind of is! No burn days most days of the year out here in AZ! :)

Does Trump fire men?

That's kind of funny I am reading this after posting my story about cremations in Bali !
Maybe read to understand why fire is so important . I usually don't put links as comments . Hope ok :

Great points! @eric-stgermain and I were just talking about this the other day. Where does government regulation end? I'm on the fence about some of the ideologies but he's an anarchist so its always an interesting topic when it comes up in our household.

I live in a timber framed house and fire scares me,

They seem to "love" their terrorist attacks as well. no matter where in the world they happen, it seems to be an excuse to scare us and make us rescind back into our holes.

I would have really liked it if the fire argument had been directly corelated to drug use here. You need it to melt down your herion, and smoke your crack etc. Fire is not needed for "ethical" drugs like alcohol and painkillers. Surely big tobacco would win the lobbying effort to keep us safe from such needless regulations lol.


fire is also needed to make drugs and alchohol.

good olé satire. Well played.

Don't fuck with fire. This noob is even giving out credit.

Cars. Cars should be banned. They too kill, injure, and cost Americans far too much money.

Fear. Can be used to motivate the simple minded, while logic is the rationality that brings us back to sanity.

Nice post @jacor

Great parallel @mrosenquist

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I think snow should be banned too. so many people die from shoveling that crap around. Oh... wait... Move to Florida instead. That's what I did! LOL

but then the sun can kill you @merej99 !!!!

oh man! We're doomed! We're all DOOMED! LOL

I love how I keep finding myself clicking on this anarchy sub haha. This makes total sense to me but everyone is so conditioned into thinking a certain way. 99% of the population wouldn't get this. Good read tho comrade

It's only whatever works to trick the masses into buying into the agenda. Logic proved on the bases of completely destructive ideas.

Maybe the government should ban everything, *sarcasim) and even if it was banned the dumb ones would be the only ones who won't follow the rules where perfectlly safe people would be cold and wondering why

Brilliant article. Inspired, resourceful, witty, relevant but with serious undertones that hit the mark. You are good.