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RE: Not Kokesh for "Not President" (Part 2 of 2)

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Yes, Larken, he is going to use all of the gestures and the tactics that many of us despise. I cringe a little every time I see them. But he is not trying to convince people like me and you, is he? This is the only language that a lot people understand. And yes, it takes a somewhat self centered egotistical person to do this. But, I still don't see that what he is doing as being more damaging to the freedom movement than not doing it.


In my opinion, the damage that Adam is causing is that in effect he is saying that principles don't matter. I believe that in regards to liberty, principles are just about all that matter.

I understand the damage, but are you also saying that what he is doing does more damage than good?

I don't understand how any good can come from it.

One example of good is to make more people aware of an alternative to the duopoly and give them another choice at the ballot. Not to make a difference at the ballot but rather make them a difference in their thinking and their lives. If that's all that it accomplishes than that's a good thing right?

I'm not convinced. I believe that it will accomplish just the opposite. Any statist that takes the time to actually listen to Adam would, again, in my opinion, come away with the impression that he, and all anarchists are unprincipled, unrealistic nut jobs.
The last time I voted in 2008. I knew that Dr. Paul couldn't win. But I voted for him anyway. Simply because I was convinced that he was principled and honest. I wanted to be able to say that I voted my conscience. Since then I have been convinced of the futility of the entire process.
The fact that Adam, (and apparently many other anarchists as well), aren't yet convinced of that simple fact is discouraging to me.

Some thoughts.

Mr. Kokesh could.....just move on.

No one is forbidding him anything...but no one needs to give approval and support either.
He does not need approval from anyone. (Or everyone that is an voluntaryist.)
And waiting for that to happen is not gonna help. Throw a sort of tantrum, in a kind of sophisticated way, is not gonna make people, do what he wants them to do, or make people give him approval or support...that don't want to give him approval and support.

That's life, grow up, take responsibility for you own choices...or not..... and move on.

( Edit; the last sentence is not addressed personally to you of course)

I like your flexibility .. Self centered, egotistical, narcissistic is a serious cause of problems. I remind myself, this does not define who a person really is, these are attributes we may have at times. If someone is out working on these and making progress it is good to notice and encourage. If they are not ready they may need more suffering. We have to heal or much damage comes from it.

It could be a multi step process to fix.

We all are! Lol