So the Department of Justice today admitted that it punished conservatives for years. That Tea Party and other Patriot groups were denied privileged status. Great news! Cause to rejoice.
Yes, not. Today, that Patriot groups profess(ed) to revere a strict-construction Constitution is a bit rich. Over the years, none ever got too much past Constitutional memes. Why, for instance, petition for government recognition in the first place? Nowhere does the document they worked hard to revere authorizes it. Why petition for privileged status? How did government come to compel plebe support of any private group? The other guys had tax breaks too, I was told, so that we needed them in order to fight the evil. Gotta burn down the village in order to save it.
Lesson learned
Today, the thinking seems to be that DOJ corrected a terrible evil. As if omniscient government had wandered from its All-Seeing-ness and, by golly, the train is back on the track. Sooooo…a Hillary DOJ would have engaged correctives? Or, would a Hillary DOJ have accelerated and cemented in place the world class criminal elements of Obama, Holder and Lynch? Everyone knows the answer to those questions. Put the question on the betting boards in Vegas and see how it plays out when real money is on the line.
The world of poly-ticks is a special one indeed. Politicos believe its all a game; that only monopoly money changes hands. Well, OK, they have a point. So, they delight in playing useless Alice in Wonderland mental gymnastics.
Not. Lesson squandered
Spy v Spy plays their games. It impacts everyone, but no one has much control over it. But all of us have mastery over our fleeting days on the planet. The Tea Party / DOJ scrum is worth reflection. How often do people denounce statist folly, only to embrace it in their own lives? How often do people rail against this government program and that government program, only to avail them in their personal lives? It happens daily, it happens often. Decry extraconstitutional federal intervention in schooling, then drop off the kids at federally subsidized schools to eat government subsidized meals for strength to learn a federally managed curriculum. Complain about federal social programs on the way to the mailbox to pick up the Social Security check. &c &c &c &c &c
At some point, free people must step up to the plate if they are to remain so. 'Step up' -- in their public lives. And, 'step up' in private lives which reflect it.
It would be nice if each citizen were to be free to sponsor the state as they wished rather then by by being compelled. I'm sure that it can be done for everyone's benefit.
Actually, you are that free! Luria v US, 213 US 9
Taxation is not theft but yeah another story follow me back for the karma
Taxation is not theft but yeah another story follow me back for the karma