When you become a mouthpiece for liberty in a world dominated by slavery, war, oppression, greed, and dominance, you begin to sound like you are only focusing on "negativity."
You will be looked at with two different faces by folks who don't get it: the "fluoride stare" from those who are so deeply hooked into the matrix that they can't even comprehend what you are saying, and the "oh, you're one of those" sneering, scowling eye rolls. It is actually a good sign that the latter has become more common than the former; it means truth and consciousness are truly rising and the liars that be are having to do far more damage control than they have in the past.
The "oh, you're one of those" have likely heard a snippet of what you're saying mocked or dismissed on msm or some late night infotainment show and are satisfied that you are dumb and gullible for thinking that way, when in fact just the opposite is more likely true.
I'm gonna get all "us and them" here but bear with me.
Chances are, you began your path to truth and in doing so were uplifted by seeing through thick, heavy lies, feeling relieved of a burden you had no idea you were carrying. To see truths can be quite liberating a lot of the time, and most folks like to share good feelings with others. So you got in the habit of sharing some truth you have uncovered, some veil you have pierced with people around you in the hopes that they might share in your newfound power.
But no. What do you get? "Oh, you're one of THOSE people." Or "dude are you still on about that? That was 17 years ago get over it already." Or "Oh shit here we go again with the doom and gloom."
The fact is that everybody knows the world is kinda fucked up on some level. But they don't own it, it doesn't pierce them; thus it is of far less significance--or worse doesn't matter to them one bit--and so your fascination seems to them like an obsession, like dwelling. Their "understanding" comes from the damage control, from dismissal, not from true nature, from facing it.
And of course, there is so very much of "it" to talk about. So much pain. The truth is that by being conscious of it and staring it in the face you are actually going through a grieving process of sorts. You are finally coming to grips with tragedy and are actually moving through it. Those who do not see it are the ones who have yet to "get over it" as they have not begun to process it personally as you have.
So you sound negative... in a world filled with "negativity" speaking plainly about it is going to be doom and gloom by necessity! The more you process, the less afraid and turned away you are by it, the easier it becomes to look more truths in the face, to deal with harsher realities than you did before. So your ability to speak about it frankly comes off as a focus on neagtivity. It isn't. You're not.
We have to either accept this or shut up and give up.
You can handle facing the darkness of slavery and the light of liberty, they can't.
Don't give up. We all want the truth whether we know it or not, whether we can handle it or not. Keep your fire burning. Stay on the path. Get free. Speak. The. Truth.

My name is Johnny Hurley and in 2007 I had a full stop paradigm shift. I have been on a path to seek truth and the betterment of the world through the betterment of the self. I have worked with an outstanding activist group called We Are Change Colorado @wearechange-co for almost ten years. My path has led me currently to the ideas of voluntaryism, anarchy, natural law, intelligent design, and many different forms of philosophy, religion, and spirituality.
I hope to provide value to the world by articulating the ideas that resonate with me. The more I learn and understand, the more I know I don't know, so any and all constructive criticisms, suggestions, and disagreements are welcome. Please comment and engage me so that I can continue to improve my views and ideas.

Great informative message @Johnnyhurley👌At the end only truth prevails. Happy you shared your views with everyone👏👏
Yo Johnny! Its Tim from Mexico:) Finally got on steem!