In this video, I talk with lawyer George Balabanian about taxation in Canada and how one can avoid taxes as much as humanly possible.
Taxation is by definition theft. It's the use of stolen funds under a collective "greater good of the greater number" guise in order to fund foreign conflicts, inefficient infrastructure and giant state monopolies. That's not to mention the amount of tax dollars used to pay off the interest on the debt by the printing of fiat currency.
With carbon taxes, income tax, PST, GST, MST, business taxes, property taxes, eco-taxes and basically every other tax one can assume exists, it's impossible to truly save up for your future and prosper in your line of work.
So often we see the excuse given that the use of extortion is necessary in order to help the poor and the sick. Meanwhile, the poor are affected most notably by high taxes as their income is scraped, businesses can't compete or innovate in the market as they're up against massive state-monopolies, so production is low and therefor, employment and wages are lower. Then on top of it all people have to deal with inflation.
In healthcare, taxes subsidize and favor big pharma and monopolized insurance companies. This causes prices to rise as competition is crushed.
All of this is entirely unnecessary. Everything the government does, the free market does better. Individuals freely trading goods for services without being extorted for their hard earned money to fund a mob obviously works far more efficiently than its antithesis.
Voluntary taxation which George points out is an oxymoron (it's more realistically called a donation) is a very viable alternative in a voluntary individualist society.
In this video, George Balabanian breaks down how one can legally avoid taxes as much as possible. It's not easy, but it can be done!
Cut the mob off at its criminal funding. You know the saying about the snake. Chop it at the head and the body will cease to be.
Taxes everywhere. Don't forget about the hidden tax...inflation. How long before the house of cards collapses...they keep kicking the can down the road. I can't even imagine what all of this will look like two generations down from today...
I know it is depressing. I'm not sure what is worse the government stealing from us all or the masses who are oblivious that it is theft and go along with it and make excuses.
For the First time ever I filed my taxes in October this year. I did an extension since I have never done that before and all I can say is I did not owe any money this year. Let's hope for the same next year..........
I agree with most of your view, back in Mozambique only 4% pay any taxes, and they are obviously just funneled to the political elite, theres no effort in hiding it even!! And now that im in Belgium I see that tax avoidance is national sport.
However, I do think that the problem lies in the current inefficiency of government and their reckless use of funds (war/surveillance/bribery/theft) than with the notion of taxation. With a proper system taxes would not be a problem. we need to drastically reform politics.
Love to hear your opinion on the statement :)
Plz vote back
This article is worth reading through, thanks for sharing this, now, I understand more about the tax system, thank you.
Ruling gangs always demand a share and they promise in return to protect you. Governments are the gangs in power.
Great post! Tax accountants should be revered as heroes in this day and age. I do wonder what got you against 'the system'. Rothbard, Hoppe or Bastiat?
This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote plus a resteem
A very informative post. Upvoted, following and reestemed.
lol taxes are for the sick...
Hmmm, I got nothing. Absolutely nothing. I am sick, have been sick for years, burnout, anxiety, PTSD, and those companies who claim to raise funds for mental illnesses, don't give a penny to those affected by mental illnesses. Someone contacted me to ask me to donate to a foundation and I asked can I enroll to receive the money from the foundation. They answered like politicians, and told me to visit the website. There is nothing on the websites to enroll to receive money from these foundations, these government run charities. It's just a play for the government to take our money and play the saviour card, while the true victims (and I'm not saying I'm a victim because I'm not anymore, I'm in a good place now, despite everything, and I have a great therapist), but the true victims lose out and have to pay for therpies themselves. I don't take medication, so my therapy isn't free, and even if I did, it wouldn't be free, because it's EFT, not psycho-therapy. But whatever, it's just frustrating and gets my blood boiling to think about it. "Triggered" indeed, I suppose.
Thanks for sharing this video.
please please please please please
one upvote me @joshsigurdson please
You should see the taxes we have to pay in socialist Greece... Unreasonable taxation will soon be the past, blockchain is the future.
Post ta dekhe kisu pujhlam na, amar steem powear low tai amar comment a upvote den, thank you johsigurdson
Hey joshsigurdson,
Thanks for the great content