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RE: The Political Refugee and The Anarchist Uncensored and Unplugged

in #anarchy3 years ago

"Civilization" is actually the title we give to the state of imbalance between "mankind" and "nature".
Created Mankind and Humans are different, there were evolutionary Humans, Neanderthals, and Devonians that were humanoids who where 100% reliant on symbiosis.
Mankind is the title I give to the genetic line of Adam and Eve, who I believe were formed by the creator and had a superiors and more vigorous gene pool.
Eden was a state of mind for Adam and Eve, and what happened was they had an "idea" this idea was the 1 thing civilization requires- the idea of controlling external forces.
does a cat plot how to get you to feed it? does an ape make a fire? no, they will react to whatever happens, and learn how to call it into being, but they will never seek to control for sustained periods of time.

control of the external is what has imbalanced the natural order, we were created to take evolution and bring it up to the next level, but we unplugged from the matrix, and taught our children to.
temptation: Mother: bring me John the Baptists head
sin: Daughter: bring me John the Baptists head on a silver platter
the gene pool was corrupted when we stopped acting like normal beings (humans should only have sex with humans, and only for procreation) as it is said "each after its own kind"
humanity has betrayed that
"do not cook a calf in its mothers milk" is a moral law: Cheeseburgers are evil, and sinful to eat.
Evolutionary humanoids were in perfect balance with the symbiotic nature of reality, and created mankind was too for a time.
when mankind, the rulers of the symbiotic world, had a parasitic reptile tempt them into imbalance, they took the idea, and let it grow within them.
mankind became the carriers of the cause of external control, and tin doing so, they taught all other beings how to sin as well.

Lucy understands not needing control, she has kissed that max more times in 1 video than i ever saw her kiss Jeff in 3 years of watching.
she knows he is lonely and trying to save reality, and she is thanking him for me and those like me who are in awe of his dedication.
she had Jeff around all this time, so she knows he is ok and doesn't need so many kisses at one time.

Steadfast Goodwill, You are my family, and You matter.


"does a cat plot how to get you to feed it?" Yes.