To me.
The rabbit hole has led me to myself.
In 2013, after a torrid two night weekend affair with Mother Ayahuasca, I realized that I (and this is totally cliche) needed to be the change I wished to see in the world. Duh. Obvious, right?
But it's one thing to understand a simple concept, and another to actually embrace and embody it. Perhaps I'll elaborate more on that and further engagements with Amazonian plant medicine in a future post, but for the purposes of this article I'll keep it simple. In short, after that weekend I vowed to step into and become the best, most excellent and authentic version of myself.
So here I am, 5 years later, in awe of what has transpired since. It hasn't always been smooth, but that's OK; life's not meant to be sunshine and roses all the time. As my good friend Max Igan, @maxigan, often says, enlightenment is a destructive process. And, it's what you do with the information. You can let misfortune and hardship destroy you, or you can take challenges head on and learn from them. Opportunities for growth are everywhere, all the time.
I'm not here to preach though. I'm simply acknowledging what's worked for me on my journey. Because here I am, in my early 30's, traveling the world performing poetry. Huh...?? It's an astonishing turn of events and one I certainly didn't see coming. But, boy, am I glad it's happening. :)
The reflections of my success and the beacons on my journey are the people who have come into my life. And not just any people, the BEST people. They are the living proof that I am on the right track. JoyCamp hasn't paid out so much financially, but it has definitely paid out in relationships and opportunities. All of my "heroes" and the people I respect most in this world are now, I can honestly say, my friends.
Not only are they my friends, but they respect me as well. I've earned my seat at the table so to speak. I left my dreams and my career behind in 2013 because I understood that life, and a movement toward a freer and more balanced world required my participation. I embarked on a unique journey, my journey, on the road less traveled, with the intention of helping people and serving a greater good. It was a scary and uncertain leap into the unknown, but one that, upon reflection, was absolutely necessary for my development.
I know that what I'm doing now is helping. I get messages almost every day from people thanking me for my work. And nothing is more gratifying than that. Fame is rather empty. It can even leave you famished. But being acknowledged for your contribution and service to humanity is special. I don't care about being famous. If I did I would have stayed in Hollywood. I care about doing what's right. And it's rewarding to know that I am.
But enough about me. Let's talk about you, my international community. You all are top fucking notch.
The people in my life, the friends that I've made, are my biggest accomplishment yet. Actually, I observed and declared that back in 2010, two years BEFORE Kevin and I got around to creating JoyCamp. Now, in 2018, that sentiment is more resonant than ever.
Last month, as some (if not most) of you know, I had the honor and pleasure of speaking at Anarchapulco for the third time. Actually, I didn't speak, I performed, and I entitled my performance, "Creation of Care." For those of you whom it's not obvious to, that's an inversion of the name of that creepy Bohemian Grove ritual, Cremation of Care. I decided to call it that because that's what we need now more than ever; CARE. Am I right, Mark Passio?
(Credit goes to my friend Alex Cy Ember though. He used that clever play on words in conversation shortly before the conference and I immediately asked if I could borrow it for my set. Obviously he obliged. Thanks bro.)
Performing there this year in front of the largest Anarchapulco crowd yet was an exhilarating experience and some pretty sweet pics of me were snapped by Nandovision Media. Like the one posted above, or this one featuring our emcee and my friend Terry Brock, @terrybrock, smiling in the background.
And this one featuring me pointing at something.

And this one of my girlfriend Sonya (on the right), sitting in the front row enjoying her man (me) doing his thang.
Thanks also to DASH for sponsoring that photo.
Here are just a handful of the cool cats I had the pleasure of kicking it with in Mexico. I emphasize some because I was blown away with the number of outstanding people I connected with down there. Most of which, I DON'T have a picture with!!
Larken Rose @larkenrose & Amanda Rachwitz @dragonanarchist
Dan Rubock & Mike Maloney
Derrick Broze @dbroze & Miriam Gomez
David Dees!!!
Mark Passio, Max & Mark's friend, Carrie
Chuck Williams & Melina Stroumpis
Even this guy...
The best part, however, is that I got to share the entire experience with my favorite person of all...

And the ride has only continued since. A few weekends after Anarchapulco, and thanks to Mark Passio, I got to perform at the inaugural, Truth - Mind - Reality conference in Phoenix Arizona.

It went great! In no small part because I got to hang out with these dudes.
Passio (again)
And Mark Devlin
A few days later I met up with Devlin again in San Diego where we had dinner with Sofia Smallstorm and Greg Carlwood from The Higherside Chats.
Next up? I'll be speaking/ performing at the Alternative View conference in England, May 4th-7th. Check it.
I tell ya, life is one wild exhilarating ride. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Until next time,

this is super inspiring to me, i also write poetry and am building up the confidence to perform some at poetry slam events in the UK and festivals, my friends organise these events and are often saying to me that i should get up and do my poems, good luck for the rest of your adventures, upvoted and followed
Do it Kirsty! Step into the fear. :)
Great man, it's connection between people what will change the world in the end. Who care about president, law or corporation if we come together. In the end coming together mean loving each other endlessly...which will bring endless respect...which will bring endless freedom...which will bring endless possibility for innovations...which will bring more of everything material...and back to what started the will have everything. Perfect perpetuum mobile :)
Much love.
Awww - you included our photo! <3
Did Greg from the Higherside Chats finally invite you on his show or what!? ;) Also, I'm following you on here - maybe you'd like to follow me back!
There you are! I knew you were on here but Steemit makes it hard to find people. I'm doing THC this summer :)
Yay!!! And yeah, it isn't the smoothest platform thus far.
I'm happy for you, Benny. The ability to still laugh at all this sickness can mean a lot in this depressing's Mark Passio doing? He has been pretty down, lately, and probably wanted to stop his public work after the speech in Arizona...
He's ok. Frustrated more than anything. He announced in Arizona that he's not going to stop his pubic work.
Glad he isn't. Thanks for answering. Take care, man!
Hi Benny, super great post! You stayed with us for the Truth, Mind, Reality conference. Your performance was spectacular at that conference and I'm so glad you found your friends and your true love! Keep up the Great Work!!
Great job, Benny. So glad to see you at Anarcapulco 2018 and hear your great presentation. Keep up the good work!
Your presentation at Anarchapulco took my breath away and stimulated a spectrum of emotion that brought me directly to the warm feeling in my heart of what i can only label as communion. Thank you for your bold being and expressing in this world! I am positive it blesses and reaches far more than you may ever even realize or hear from.
Thank you so much, Tamara. You honor me. Perhaps (hopefully) we'll get to spend some time together soon. :)
You da man, Terry.
I enjoyed his presentation a lot, one of my favorites in Anarchapulco 2018 !!!
Thanks! :)
Young people like you, Benny give me hope for the world. <3
Back atcha buddy :)
I really enjoyed meeting and talking with you and even contributing a little to the college fund (after two attempts). Maybe some day I’ll also have a conversation with Mother Ayahuasca or maybe I can get there without sensor alteration. We’ll see. I’m for it all. Keep being awesome and providing value for others and the returns will come with time.
You da man Luke. Much love brotha
So glad to see things moving in the proper direction! You are indeed an inspiration!
When you have the time I'd like to have that chat with you we didn't have time for at Anarchapulco.
Yeah man, let's do it. The next few weeks are going to be a bit chaotic (Sonya and I are moving) but let's figure something out soon.
Fantastic post Benny :)
Thanks Max. :)
Hi Benny this is super inspiring.I'm a slam poet artist in my little community back in Cameroon and really dream of seeing my arts work taking me round the world.I love the fact you are out to help others.guess you had love to look at my stuff.I'm new on steemit.Sofie's Voice is my name.please check out my stuff.
Hi Sofie. You got it. Just started following you :)
wow thanks.actually i'm a law student looking forward to specialize on environmental law.A friend of mine told me through steemit i can use my art and make money to further my education.Im 20yrs old and level 2 in common law
I heard you speak at Anarchapulco and really enjoyed it now following you hear on Steemit.
Very glad to see you doing well, have followed your career since the very early days of JoyCamp. Hoping to be at the next Anarcapulco... that is a helluva of photo album lol!
You have and therefore create some of the best energy - and it's exactly what we need here, now <3 Thank you!