5 Shocking Truths Most Americans Don't Know About "Their" Government (more unpleasant realities from a "conspiritard")

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Attracting more trolls than ever on social media recently (today I was called a "conspiritard")...

... so I might as well weed out some more. Here is a handy-dandy reality check as to the nature of the United States government (and, indeed, all modern nation states claiming a monopoly on the use of force in a given geographical region).

Though the points raised henceforth may strike some as "conspiracy theory," or "tinfoil hat" ramblings, I challenge you, dear reader, to investigate each factual and historically well-documented claim for yourself.


1. The US Government purposefully allowed poor blacks in the rural south to contract and spread syphilis...

...telling them they only had "bad blood" and did not inform them when a cure was available. They wanted to watch the disease progress over the lifetime of a "patient." This experiment was not put to an end until 30 years after it began, when a whistleblower in the 70s exposed the crime. The organization that conducted the experiment is now known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC.


Bill Clinton's public apology for the "experiment."



2. Declassified government documents prove that the US was planning to fake terrorist acts (including harming real people) to garner support for military action in Cuba.

Some of the "incidents" being proposed in the documents include faking attacks on US commercial airliners, faking terrorist attacks in Florida (even if civilians are harmed), and fake captures of Cuban "saboteurs."

Read the declassified Northwoods Documents here.


3. No video has been released clearly showing a commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001.

Go ahead, show me a security video from what is arguably the most secure building in the world clearly showing a BOEING JET crashing into the Pentagon.

Hear Major General Stubblebine tell his story.


4. The US government destroyed a perfectly good orange crop in California while thousands of men, women, and children in the surrounding area were dying of starvation.

“Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people come for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges... A million people hungry, needing the fSruit – and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains.
And the smell of rot fills the country.
Burn coffee for fuel in the ships... Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out [with nets]. Slaughter the pigs and bury them...
And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificates – died of malnutrition – because the food must be forced to rot.”
~John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

Read more about the systematic government destruction of food and crops here.


5. The US Government has made it legally impossible to sue vaccine manufacturers for damages cause by vaccines.

Anyone remember when pharmaceutical giant Merck removed its arthritis medication VIOXX from the market?

In October of 2004, it was reported that according to an unreleased study by government regulators, Vioxx may have led to more than 27,000 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths prior to the action taken by Merck to eliminate the drug from the market altogether. However, despite its decision to remove Vioxx from the health care market, Merck continues to deny any liability or wrongdoing for claims brought against it.

Yeah, that one. The lawsuits ended up being a good thing, right? Merck ended up paying out more than 8.5 billion dollars for the damage, death, and destruction their drug caused. Guess what, though? Vaccine manufacturers are immune (no pun intended) to such lawsuits. They literally cannot be sued.

As per the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act vaccine manufacturers can no longer be held accountable legally. Instead, a separate "vaccine court" has been set up to offer reparations and it is funded by--you guessed it--the taxpayers. You.

*Puts on tinfoil hat and leaves room.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Doesn't matter if peeps think you're bananas or if they don't believe you.

By speaking about these things, it at least gets the idea into someone else's head. You never know who will spend some time thinking and researching due to your posts or conversations.

Just carry on searching for the truth. Others will follow. If they don't - it's okay

The list goes on and on...Try swallowing that the govt is systematically killing bees to disrupt our natural food supply. We sit here nodding while they probe for ways to destroy us. And we see them trying and we still re-appropriate info to suit a more numbing comfort...to use a touch of your own analogies.
Excellent article. Thank you for taking the time to still try and talk about this stuff. People are afraid of how uninformed they learn they are so they will insult and attack you. The consideration of these things alone is enough to shake the foundation.
My wife and I love your articles.

Cheers, @rosicrucian. Much appreciated.

You didn't put the tin foil hat on, you took it off. You shrugged the conspiracy that government is here to serve the people amd would never intentionally do harm. Nice points man.

I don't know if it's good or bad that I'd heard all of these.

Did you know Dr. Rima Laibow suspects foul play in the death of her husband Gen Albert Stubblebine this year?

I did not know that. I will have to check that out.

She tells the story on an interview with Sofia Smallstorm about a month ago. It's on Sofia's site.

Hi ! All government of each country are bad. They have their secret.... And we are their pets.

Really difficult to have trust...

Don't come in france for government, come for food and point of vue.... Really


Good advice!

and good post ;-)

Hey @kafkanarchy84 , would love to offer to come onto my podcast sometime.

It is all about entrepreneurs; what you are doing, believe in and what difference you are making in the world.

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It is audio only over skype. Does this sound of interest to you?

I would be glad to. Thanks for the offer. Just fill me in on the details whenever. I'm in Steemit chat under this same name.

I have messaged on SteemIt.Chat

Please go to this link and pick a time that best suits you, you can also find more instruction here: https://calendly.com/adriannantchev/entrepreneur-podcast

Excelente post, me encanta el tema y sacar a la luz la verdad sobre estas atrocidades! Muchas gracias por la verdad!

¡Gracias por el amable comentario!

The saddest thing is that these atrocities are only the tip of the iceberg. And all this abomination continues ... If you think about it, you understand that any action of the government is immoral.

Many many years ago I was telling people about vaccines the medical system the school system etc etc. Seems most are sleeping they keep drugging their kids sending them to public schools and giving them vaccines. They cant be helped they will remain sleeping and be culled from earth. As will their children. This is not my opinion its a statistical fact.

There was also the St.Louis experiment...

The same thing happened in the UK up until the 1980s. There are lots of "conspiracy theories" that turned out to be true...

I am more scared of the government then anything, and it doesn't seem like most of my peers have the same attitude. It means either I am crazy, or mostly everyone else is crazy :). Fun times!

Me, too. It's them, though, by the way.

Each and every one of these are legitimate. If you take the time to look at the evidence, each of these is easy to understand or prove. Of course, telling others about these government coverups/operations has the chance of you being branded a kook. Or other things. Can you take it?

Spot on! I might have to make a follow up to this, there are so many legitimate, verifiable "conspiracies" it makes me wonder why anybody thinks they never happen.

Brilliant, thanks for posting this. I pity the fool who combines words with "-tard" and thinks of him or herself as clever.

Lol. Same here.

Good post! Very interesting to read! Thanks you for sharing!

This is nice article . I really love this article

Nice article...I learned things there.
Thank you.

very alarming. nice article

  1. No video has been released clearly showing a commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001.

Yes. All cameras recording the scene were recording one frame per second; nobody planned for the possibility that they might need to record something moving as quickly as a passenger jet. Thus, the only "video" available shows only a vague blur.

This does not mean that a passenger jet did not hit the Pentagon. Further evidence corroborates the fact that one did, no matter what this person or that person thinks they saw.

If you're willing to listen to the other side of this whole thing, read "Debunking 9/11 Myths" by Popular Mechanics' editors. I'll send you my copy if you promise to read it.

Regardless of the logic or efficacy of what came next, the 9/11 attacks were not a US government conspiracy.

Regardless of the logic or efficacy of what came next, the 9/11 attacks were not a US government conspiracy.

While I would agree with you that many of the theories floating around have very little merit and are highly unlikely (no aircrafts at all, outer space lasers, etc) I think the above statement you made is far too broad and remains unsubstantiated. As per the Northwoods Documents referenced above, we know that the government has planned these same types of acts in the past.

We also know that the act of three high-rise/skyscraper-type buildings imploding into their own footprints more or less due to fire is historically unprecedented. We further know that numerous witnesses report hearing primary, secondary, and tertiary explosions. The NIST report and the 911 Commission Report are full of strange logical leaps.

Whatever one's personal views, it certainly has not been satisfactorily established that the United States was not complicit in these attacks, or that the buildings collapsing were simply the result of structural damage cause by airplanes.

I've read a bit of Popular Mechanics' take on the issue, and as expected of any good government backed publication, they attempt to shame anyone asking questions.

All I claimed in this piece was:

No video has been released clearly showing a commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001.

That is 100% factual. One of the most highly surveilled and guarded buildings in the world is smashed by a BOEING 747 and not a shred of video is released from any of the surrounding cameras showing it clearly. On top of that, Stubblebine claims that all but one of the Pentagon's sensors were turned off.

Either way, again, my claim in this article is simple:

No video has been released clearly showing a commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001.

This is 100% true. I did not extrapolate from there.
