Police Worshippers Defend Rape of 20-Year-Old Woman in Texas. Self-defensive action, up to and including killing these officers, would have been justified.

in #anarchy7 years ago

I finally got around to watching the video and reading the story of the rape of 20-year-old Charnesia Corley in Harris County, Texas.

While this is shocking enough, I was more appalled to see hundreds of individuals DEFENDING THIS RAPE on social media.

Self-defensive action, up to and including lethal force, would have been justified to stop this violation, in my view.

This should go without saying, but sadly, people are cowards and also worship police. Many care more about supporting the "thin blue line," than they do a young woman being violated.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


People with shiny pieces of shit on their uniforms can rape people without consequences then they are defended on social media... I ask WHY STATISTS WHY? Why Do you go along with your statist retardation?!?!

Thank you.

You are right on the bulls-eye with this one too.

Reason must prevail. The alternatives would be unacceptable.

Faulty reasoning and fear has led to the death of empathy within some people. It's quite easy, put yourself in the place of the victim.....that violation, that outrage you feel.....that's the appropriate response. If you can't get there, if you can't feel empathy, then you are as useful to civilized society as a cock-flavoured lollipop.

Empathy is natural -and unique- to human beings. It should be easy, but unfortunately, we are so polluted by our habits that we've forgotten how to live like human beings. We civilized ourselves into monsters. Instead of empathy, we cheer death and destruction like minions, and will likely only take a step back to consider the consequences after everything that we love is no longer there. Based on where we're currently at, it will take the individual effort of billions of people to save us all while some people will eventually suffer greatly, because 'karma' has very feminine qualities. LOL

Stopping the police with force would not violate the N.A.P. in my opinion.

Thankful for living in Colorado. Still thinking about not leaving Acapulco next February after the conference.

The worship of authority. They really wanted to find a joint so bad they stripped someone naked, retarded. The state shouldn't be regulating what we put in our bodies in the first place! She had every right to defend herself with lethal force. Still haven't watched the vaccine debate, too busy this week. Absolutely nuts man, keep up spreading the word on state based insanity!

Hi friend how are you, sorry to hear about the rape case of 20 years old woman. It is disgusting. This type of activities are seen every where in my country. The government of our country made laws but they remain only in black and white, not excited in reality. On the other hand the media also, describe the situations or make videos but do not have the courage to stop the madness. They become merely spectator of the incident. You know friend women have been victimized from time immemorial. Unless and until, the mentality of the world have not been changed, women will have to face it, as a woman I am going to condem the inhuman activities and expect very strong action against the crime. Friend I am also a woman, I have been living here in my place for 7years as a single with my two kids. I have also have faced lots of difficulties, but you know till now nobody here have the courage to make any bad comments against me. Any way thanks for sharing such a valuable message to the people. Friend I have posted a new post of the effected area and make a video of it, so please have a look of the post, I have mentioned your name on it. Have a great day and enjoy the day.

It is shocking to me how many "useful idiots" out there worship the state.

Uhh... Raping is bad... End of discussion.

Inexcusable.. and the fact that people have become so numb to these things is what's really upsetting. Keep speaking up against atrocities! I do as well in my articles. Stay blessed.

those rascals asshole who defend rape cases should be hanged or should be raped too it would great to see those asshole getting bigger very sad there is no humanity left the only thing left is lust of penis -_- there penis should be cutted if they get caught

Strange what we see in our time

This is something strange for me.

What the F is up with the police in the US. They seem to have a hard on especially for black people. How do you strip search someone in public and rape her. They should have taken her down to the station. It's so enraging that charges were dropped, so annoying and disgusting. The injustice in the US (land of the free...INDEED) is unreal.

In my country(Romania) the only news about Usa are: police killing people, rapes and the usual mass murdering. No wonder they have a bad reputation in Europe!

Just a week back i was reading this nrws in bbs. Where a rape victim - only 10 years of age is denied of abortion in India. It is rather disturbing but what is going on in this world???
The world has become a nation of sheep, run by wolves and governed by pigs.

Wow. That is disgusting, and a really sad/difficult situation. I think issues like this (involving rape and a baby) should be left up to families/communities, and the private institutions and professionals they trust, and not an idiotic state that has no feelings or human compassion.

Shock enough :(

pretty sure there isn't anything they won't try and justify :( quite literally, bet it would be a different story had that victim been their mother/sister/loved one though ...
and is this is really the behavior of officers that we should find in the 'land of the free' ?.....

The sad truth is the cops know they can get away with this kind of abuse as long as the victim is black.

Their near constant portrayal of black people helps to desensitize the public first to abuse of black citizens and then later...you.

You see everything they do to people of color they plan to do to you too. When the financial collapse comes you will be so used to seeing this kind of abuse that you won't utter a sound.

If you're a good cop Show me. You don't get the benefit of the doubt anymore. Uphold your Oath . Violating your oath in my book is an act of treason .

@kafkanarchy84 Sorry for this hahaha ! :D btw i support your work for humanity <3

She is probably a repeated offender. What you going to do... fire all cops. You live in a Gynocentric society and most men are pussies like this guy.

I'm not sure what you are talking about here? If you are calling me a "pussy" and defending the rape of this woman, I got nothing to say to you except that insults won't get you very far here on Steemit.

Im calling men that support these lying hags pussies but if the shoe fits.