So now everyone that's ever done an event with or likes Kokesh or helps Kokesh because I want to make a difference in the world... Is fair game for censoring?
Nope. Already addressed why no "libel" has been committed here above, and have specifically addressed why you are being flagged.
If you would like, as a former/current campaign staff member to specifically address the evidence, and make an official statement regarding such on behalf of the campaign, I'd be glad to have that on record. Others are speaking out in support of Adam and, as distasteful as I may find it, I am not voicing a negative market preference there with a flag.
I'm not going to confirm or deny anything about myself to you because you're an abusive creep that told my fiance to get fucked. You disgust me with your collectivism and hypocrisy. Also I think it's funny to see what you guess next.
However. I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL PROBLEMS WITH ANYONE. I do not have information besides what you've presented and other things I've personally researched in my own time.
Yeah. You're just doing this to me because you're a hypocritical abusive collectivist. You hurt others for attention.
This little shit show you have going on has nothing to do with me, so kindly leave me alone.
Posted using Partiko Android
Kindly welcome to the free market, where posting things on behalf of an abusive campaign and calling the victim/target names is probably not going to help you out socially.
And to pretend that you've not been criticizing me for dissent over this past year, as though you were not on the campaign and are not connected, is laughable.
As I say, if you wish to defend this filth. Go ahead. We'll let the community of individuals decide how to voice market preference here.
My preference is that individuals such as yourself are not present. I will voice said preference with my market signals. I will not, however, engage in threats of violence or cyber terror like some seem to be in favor of doing. I will not threaten the families or children of those with whom I disagree. See the big, glaring difference there?
Why won't I do those things?
I'm not a sack of shit.
Have a good one, buddy.
Yep. I've criticized you over the past year. Sorry for my lack of worship.
And your accusation that I've defended filth... Screenshot? I've asked questions you don't like.
You don't want ppl like me present because you relish you're echochamber.
However, I've told you that I have nothing to do with your drama. That should have been enough IFF you were telling the truth. The reality is that you're a creepy abusive collectivist. It's glaringly obvious now. All my doubt is removed.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yep. I've criticized you over the past year. Sorry for my lack of worship.
And your accusation that I've defended filth... Screenshot? I've asked questions you don't like.
You don't want ppl like me present because you relish you're echochamber.
However, I've told you that I have nothing to do with your drama. That should have been enough IFF you were telling the truth. The reality is that you're a creepy abusive collectivist. It's glaringly obvious now. All my doubt is removed.
Posted using Partiko Android