I don’t view humans as “heroes” anymore, but as humans. If there are problems they should be discussed. Adam’s plan and my philosophy (Voluntaryism) are in contradiction with one another.
For me, for Luke, for Adam and hopefully for you too. Nobody wants to beat children or push old ladies
And nobody was implying that. Metaphor went right over your heads, it seems. It’s unfair to assert that that was my implication when I have explained to Luke time and time again it was not. I was using extreme examples to point out the flaw in Luke’s reasoning. Nothing more. Nothing less.
that's just a manipulation and words cut out of the context.
I agree. What you and Luke are reading into this, is.
Thanks for your reply Graham. I am not big on theories and definitions. My life has always proven to me that there's a goodness if every human heart and all human, deep down, are peaceful and loving. Whether we make it as humanity or will end up in matrix-like slavery system will not depend on any particular "labeled" movement or theory, it will solely depend how effective we can come back to the innocence we're born with and that we loose through social conditioning. And that always only happens through self-realization. That is the most noble task and truly the only effective and lasting way to change the world = self-realization (touching the truth of our being which is beyond any label that words can describe). I like Adam cause he is a good man. I like all good men. And good and brave men are rare. I could not care less about what's the definition of anarchy or any other movement. I go to conferences and I do stuff, but I never label myself as anarchist or in any other way. I don't even call myself a painter although that is what I do. Words and definitions divide people while we all really want the same- freedom and peace. Good luck in Japan!
Thank you. In a sense I agree, but Adam’s plan doesn’t aim at true freedom, but centralized control.
This is why definitions and principle are so important. Without them, and the common ground norms they help us to establish, there is no hope of maximizing freedom in any society, and tremendous potential for violence and suffering.
I also am not convinced, as per his actions recently, that he is a “good man.”