I didn’t see it as clickbait, but the negative extreme of the “ends justify means” worldview.
I agree that naming Luke was confrontational. I normally don’t do these things unless I think something pretty serious is going on.
Luke and I have a history of not really getting along when it comes to discussing various important issues.
I wrote this post after Luke had already defended Kokesh’s name calling and vitriol (which was directed directly at myself, has been directed at more parties than just myself), whilst at the same time championing “open-mindedness” and non-violent communication.
Putting on a saccharine smile and pretending to be open, while being condescending and dismissive is not an acceptable way to communicate in my view.
Combine that with literally attempting to redefine very clear fundamentals of voluntaryism and I was left feeling pretty angry, to be honest.
If Luke calls himself a Voluntaryist, he should know and accept the basics. If not, I want to let other Voluntaryists know, so they can direct their market choice elsewhere.
That was the impetus for this post.