
You find it from my blogs. It may not look like different at first, but it will reveal it self when it is tested.

If you’re not willing to explain your position clearly here I am certainly not going to go out of my way looking to understand it.



New money is made directly to people as basic-income with addittional money printed as "goverment's-percent" for goverment's expences. NO TAXES!!!

Goverment-form is a parlamentary-system were people can either vote for or against a person and his/hers party. This is to help tie goverement closer to society by the system actually being able take into account disagreements and oppositions, unlike in the current system where you can only "agree", but there is no option to disagree. Parties sitting order in the parlament is to be determined by the amount of seats they get. This is to eliminate left-right elitism.

State's constitution must serve and make state serve society. Society must be unified by filling peoples "spirituality" with society. People must be taught that society comes first. This does not mean that people can't be muslims or in other religions, this simply means that there can not be conflict beetween these religions and society. Society will always come first if such conflict appears.