Hey Sterlin.
I really appreciate what you said about "moral emotion" and intuition.
I don't agree with everything in the video, however, as many times emotions can be misleading, and propertarian grundnorms are absolutely essential to the minimization of violence in society.
I think maybe you are doing yourself a small disservice by differentiating what you are talking about (indeed, I have felt it and live by it myself) from logic. It reminds me of the "hunches" mentioned by Einstein. Where does the experimenter get his hypothesis? Many times correct hypotheses (or at least their nascent stage "relatives") come from a place we cannot quite explain.
We feel things about people that we cannot quite explain. I think often this is a part of logic that is simply beyond the pale of our scientific understanding at this point.
I like the term "EQ" as well, in reference to emotional intelligence.
All this said, the moment propertarian groundnorms based on the immutable and objective reality of self-ownership are cast aside (not necessarily saying you are doing/advocating this) the results can only be more violent conflict.
Upvoted at 100% and looking forward to more.