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RE: When Anarchists Aren't Really Anarchists: Understanding the AnCom World View

in #anarchy7 years ago

Everyone I've interacted with who called themself an "anarcho-communist" were pure Marxists, using anarchist only in the mainsteam media definition, of angry people who wear a lot of black and like to break things. Most of the people/arguments that folks like Berwick shout down as "communists" are actually anarcho-mutualists, agorists, anarcho-syndicalists, etc., and the labeling and ignoring stops any real learning or dialogue from occurring. I'm actually working on a piece right now, coming at the same issue from the other side.

In my experience, MANY people who identify as anarcho-capitalist are actually just capitalists who don't want the state to interfere with their taking advantage of others. I've also noticed that almost all an-caps have never read any anarchist literature from pre-Rothbard (as in, most of it), and so don't seem to have a grasp on the history and basis of anarchist philosophy.

Personally I hate all of the labels and people identifying with them, and only really address them when I feel like it can help break down that identifying. As soon as someone picks a belief system, with it's saints (Mises & Rothbard in the ancap case), it closes their minds off to so much other information & insight that is available.

Obviously not pointing any of this specifically at you, but your post was a big impetus for laying out my feelings & grokking of these ideas.

Thank you, talk to you soon sister!