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Unreal, Kenny! You're the best, man! Like Luke said, lots of new people to follow now :)

Thanks @derekareith! I thought it was too cool how you mentioned me when I was about halfway through this post :-) Synchronicity is a beautiful thing.

If you haven't met @dwinblood yet, he's practically a legend in my eyes. He married a deputy sheriff and over time grew to understand anarchism, now she's no longer a cop XD

He has some great content including his newest piece:

Nice, I'll have to check him out. Thanks!

yes me are dwinblood are pretty much the same mind set do follow him

And another I would suggest is @borisheir. He has the solution to government!

Can't I get some sleep without this site turning into something even more awesome? XD

Thanks for the heads up on @borisheir as well! :)

Why do I get the feeling Anarchapulco ( is going to be almost like a mini-Steem convention? :) Still trying to get through to @dantheman to invite him to speak!

41, tee-em, anarchocapitalist converted from libertarian party member.

It's certainly going to be an oft-discussed topic :-) That would be awesome to get @dantheman down!

a conference where both anarchists and statists will be speaking?

Great post idea. Thanks for including me. Very kind of you.

Steem, I think, may be most exciting for us libertarian anarchists because this could be not just a great way to spread the message, not just a great way to organize, not just a way to get paid for our activism, but also the very means by which we make a voluntary world actually happen in our lifetimes.

In the past, I've started a lot of projects, from helping LP candidates get noticed on line, to videotaping Julian Heicklen's jury rights pamphleting (for which I was arrested and framed by US Marshals who tried to destroy my recordings), to the Shield Mutual private defense agency, to being called a terrorist by Whoopi Goldberg for shutting down the TSA Scope-N-Grope at airports nationwide when I organized (with Jim Babb) Opt Out Day (against the TSA) in 2010, to the More Liberty Now blog, the Agora I/O unconferences, fundraising for the jury rights pamphleting at Ross Ulbricht's trial and some other stuff I'm forgetting.

But, frankly, enough of all that bullshit. It's time to make a commitment to actually building a voluntary world.

I'm creating content about how to make that happen and welcome your participation and ideas at @georgedonnelly. Specifically, see:

A Voluntary World by 2064 (More Liberty Now #1)

BTW you might like the Steem Smart Podcast that I'm doing with two fellow libertarian anarchists. We just posted an episode this morning about a new Twitter clone that's built on the Steem blockchain. Exciting stuff. @steemsmart

I'm still working my way through all of you wonderful people I hadn't met. I am so happy to follow you now, George! You have a great camera presence! I found out about @picokernel's Screem thanks to you and @steemsmart.

Thanks to Steemit, we are actually connecting and building like we never would have before! I love your enthusiasm above and agree 100%.

But, frankly, enough of all that bullshit. It's time to make a commitment to actually building a voluntary world.
Hell yea!

Wow, amazing list! I'm so honored to be included with so many of my heroes. Thank you for all the effort you clearly put into this post. Bookmarking it for sure. I've got a lot of new follows to make.

Thanks! I've seen a few small lists popping up, a few weekly "who did you miss" posts and stuff, then kept finding out that awesome anarchists like @dbroze had joined without my even noticing it, so I figured we need a big comprehensive list :-)

You are very fortunate to add to the list @lukestokes

Nice list @kennyskitchen. It would be nice if we could get a list of people below +55 that have good content. If we all keep following whales or close to it, it will be impossible for newcomers with good content to excel in this environment. But back to your list ill probably follow a few, lol.

I agree completely, maybe my next research-based post will be the top X minnows to follow or something. If you look through this one though, you'll notice that more than half of these folks are still <55

hey @kennyskitchen thanks for making the world just that much more full of love for everyone

It's what I do :-) Love you sister!

Thanks Kenny, I've shared the article everywhere I could think of where you hadn't shared it already, and followed everybody on the list. Great work and thanks for the mention!

Awesome, thanks for the help brother! I hope this can help all of us to grow our audiences, and maybe convince a few people to make the transition to Steemit :-)

Thanks for the inclusion @kennyskicthen. Nice to see so many like-minded people here. I've very curious about the effect the over-representation of anarchists on steemit will have on the future of the platform.

You're very welcome, thanks for your great content!

I'm excited to see what happens :-)

how many hours did you spend to write this post??? It is so long :)

Too many... way too many haha. I didn't keep track of the hours, but it took a solid 4 days of working on it most of the time.

Great stuff!

You forgot @hilarski, @andrarchy and me :) great list tho!

I'm sure I missed quite a few people, I've already got a list going of the folks who have been brought to my attention. I'm going to do a follow-up piece, after a day or two away from the computer haha.

I'm impressed. High quality job and extremely useful. Also, great stuff for marketing. It should be right on the front page of the official website.

Thank you very much, I certainly put a LOT of time, energy, and love into it.

A lot of the people on this list I knew nothing about, then found a bunch of the others on the list were following them, and read through their stuff, it was a blast!

Thanks @innuendo! I put many hours a day for 4-5 days to come up with this baby :-)

Awesome @kennyskitchen - thank you for the super effort as always

Thanks @timelapse! I just love doing it, especially putting up posts that it feels like are really needed :-)

Damn! I was left out! lol

You're already on my list for the follow-up :-)

Nice! Thank you very much sir!

Wow, my feed just doubled.
Double-wow, I'm on this list!
Thanks Kenny. You rock man.

:-) Glad I can help everyone get more traffic and find more great content to read!

Damn - I didn't make it. Maybe I'll be on your list of 41? I'll try harder, I promise. I've got a few posts in the works.

You were definitely on my rough-draft list, but I had to trim a lot off it, as even this took a little over 4 days to write. I chose to showcase people who's writing is mostly about the principles & philosophy of anarchy. I'm likely going to make more posts like this, especially since we can expect people to just keep flooding in :-)

Hey, I understand. I've been focusing more on the coffee business side of my writing. When I get back into the game of political/anarchist writing, I'll be sure to let everyone know.

Good list, regardless. I didn't realize there were so many on Steemit already. I'm only following about half of them. I need to get on the ball.

I'm likely going to make more posts like this, especially since we can expect people to just keep flooding in :-)

Please do. It's extremely useful for the existing users and also invaluable for Steem's marketing.

I hope one day we'll have a video compilation, something like this amazing video - it's a parody but what I mean is the overall effect: the quality of the animations, the music etc. It just feels professional.

Thank you!

You're welcome, and thank you!

So glad to have you on the platform Bonita! Just let me know via FB or txt if you have any questions

Excellent work putting this post together. Thanks for including me. :)

You're welcome @bacchist! Thanks for all the great work you do!

Very interesting list of people I already follow and some I will check out more
Great work you put into this .

Awesome information here.

Thanks @runridefly! It was quite the adventure writing it :-)

Great post... know a lot of these people, but not all of them. Good reference.

Thanks! My goal was for it to be a staple when introducing people to Steemit :-)

Awesome list, following many of them already, but I'll have to check out the rest.

Thanks :-) The goal was for it to be the sort of thing a lot of people will bookmark :-)

Thank you very much for going to the effort of collating all these wonderful people here. I have followed a few already. Nice work :)

You're very welcome, I enjoy doing this kind of research project immensely :-)

Look for a follow-up to come, I've already got a good list going.

I appreciate the effort that went into the making of this post immensely! Well done Kenny.

Thanks @eagleflash! It was a joy to create, and I'm so happy to be able to share it!

I am an anarchist !! .. the list is "Top 40 anarchists who write about anarchism" :-) ... what about those who write about specific subjects with a n anarchist mindset ?

I'm going to do a follow-up piece on people who are definitely anarchists but writing about other topics, people I didn't know about yet, and big names that join in the next few days.

This list is Gold! Thank you so much!

Thank you! and you're welcome!

Thanks for compiling this, great work.

You're very welcome! Thanks for your support :-)

Brilliant post - many thanks, I never realised I might be an anarchist but
I suspect I'm on your wavelength - I'll check out all that awesome content.

Thank you!

Most everybody's an anarchist when you come down to it :-) Hope you like it!

wow, man! thank you so much!!! i appreciate the support.

Of course brother! Thanks for all of your work!

Thanks Kenny! Would love to see someone post a "40 Top Not Anarchists" list like this.

Thanks @jsteck!

I would love to see people starting to compile lists like this for all sorts of audiences: "top 40 musicians on steemit", "top 40 chefs on steemit", "top 40 photographers" etc etc

This is so cool! I always wonder how many of us there are. I always dreamed of a blog-like place where all of us could express ourselves in a blog-like form. Being paid is even more than I dreamed of! I'm Brittany Schultz Forrester on facebook. Come follow me and get to know me, y'all! I'm excited to share all of our leading edge thoughts with each other, and I'm really excited at the prospect of sharing with a lot of people who don't yet identify as Anarchists, too. (I believe everyone's an Anarchist. They just don't know it yet. :) )

you're right Everyone is an Anarchist they just don't know it yet :)

I am an Anarchist who came to the philosophy through an intense study of the BIBLE. Voluntarism, with property rights, is the form of government given to the nation of Israel by our heavenly FATHER as they entered the promise land. Any CHRISTian that will take the time to study GOD's letter to you, in the original languages it was written in, will have no choice but to become an Anarchist. My channel has the raw recording of our family's nightly BIBLE study's. We go through the WORD of TRUTH book by book, chapter by chapter & verse by verse. Are you curious & want to know what our heavenly FATHER think of people that let other people rule over them? Then come by our channel & hear the TRUTH for yourself. Moral men need no masters. If GOD be your, KING why would you need, want or trust any person rule over you? GOD is my KING, I'll bow to no other.

Hey, great list! So far, I've had to find everyone separately from posts or announcements they make in podcasts or on Facebook, but this now allows me to find a bunch more all at once. Thanks! I hope you make more lists like this in the future. Following....

Thank you!

I may just start doing big lists like this for different groups of people (musicians, photographers, CEOs, etc), it sure seems like people want help finding who to follow, and I enjoy doing this kind of research.

That's a really good idea, spreading it out to various groups like that! I'll be looking forward to a musicians list and especially a photographers list... gotta watch the competition... ;-)

Absolutely amazing Kenny!!! Thank you for this I will have to refer back to this to catch all these great writers.

Thank you! You're very welcome, I certainly wanted to create something people would bookmark :-)

Thanks for the mention buddy, appreciate it :)
Thats a comprehensive write up!

You're very welcome @kevinwong! That was the goal :-) Though at this point I've already got a list of 20 anarchists I didn't know were on steemit, have just joined, etc. So a sequel will be on its way soon.

I'm honored to be on this list among all these awesome people. Thanks for including me!

You're very welcome Jake! Thanks for the work you do

Surprised not to be there considering I was one of the first ones to join :)

You're on my list for the follow-up

Thanks for the list, I wasn't even aware Derrick Broze was on Steemit!

Right? I talked to him at Jackalope, and he was planning on joining, then a week later I mentioned him and somebody pointed me to his intro from a couple days before.

Excellent ! Appreciate the work you put into this !

Thanks! It was a great experience :-)

Thanks for putting this post together! I know many of the people you linked. Great stuff! :D

Great research there! Much appreciated! Many new followed pages and more great content to keep me wanting to come back!

You're very welcome! I'm so happy to see so many people getting use out of it :-)

@kennyskitchen boo i did't make the list the was rigged lol jk ;)

Thanks for giving me a starting point.
I hope to make the next list,...

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I don't know why are you praising so much Dollar vigilante and people around them - my friends and me, we were working on development of their websites in Serbia for more than 4 months and beside that website they had Acapulco hotels and who knows what else - i even don't remember anymore. Some guy named Michael was responsible for communication, and what can i tell you is that they were exploiting us as no one ever did. I can tell you that they are far away from anarchism and anarchy - they are real capitalists, if you ask me!

Dollar Vigilante
Jun 2012 – Sep 2012
Project descriptionThe Dollar Vigilante (TDV) is a joint-venture publication founded by two respected free-market speakers and analysts in the financial sector, Jeff Berwick and Ed Bugos. Both Jeff and Ed consider themselves financial freedom fighters and have written extensively in the past about the ongoing and impending collapse of the US dollar based financial system. They joined forces to publish TDV, a publication and community for dollar crash survivors.

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