Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain
Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain
7 years ago in #anarchy by kennyskitchen (76)
- Past Payouts $374.82
- - Author $291.18
- - Curators $83.63
546 votes
- buildawhale: $68.89
- jamesc: $57.03
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- sneaky-ninja: $17.27
- postpromoter: $16.55
- matt-a: $15.05
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- ausbitbank: $8.93
- appreciator: $8.77
- lukestokes: $6.99
- upme: $6.54
- geoffrey: $6.39
- kevinwong: $5.62
- enki: $4.57
- sashadaygame: $3.09
- ashe-oro: $2.06
- paulag: $2.03
- $1.93
- kafkanarchy84: $1.68
- and 526 more
Nice work dude. Can't wait to do it all again soon ;)
And YES - the movement is making a difference.... with love in our hearts we can enter a truly new and wonderful reality ;)
Thanks brother! I love using my platform to boost my family :-)
I feel so blessed to be here now, part of this massive paradigm shift!
The power of this thing is crazy
Thanks for the shoutout, good idea on updating this :)
You're very welcome!
Keep up the good work lily!
@lily-da-vine has some loyal followers! She is currently the top earner for comments on this post. She deserves it though for showing us what can happen when you let go and embrace #anarchy! I discovered the comment rank by using #picker
I also thanks for your great Comment @lily-da-vine
Wow, thanks Kenny. This is a really great resource and it must have taken quite a bit of time to put it together. I'm honored to be included among so many amazing human beings. Resteeming.
Of course brother! Thanks for all the content you create and work you do in the world :-) I've really enjoyed reading your work, and really have found you leaving the exact comment I've thought of many times before haha.
It definitely took hours and hours, but it was a lot quicker than the first one, where I tracked down images/videos for everyone too.
@smartbot tip @kennyskitchen 100
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Great job, though ausbitbank should be there too.
Upvoting for visibility!
Good list
Wonderful post Kenny, such a great resource for those anarchists on the platform, as well as for anyone trying to on-board anarchist friends :-)
Up-voted & re-steemed for sure! @originalworks
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
Hi kennyskitchen,
Nice work sir
Much appreciation for the mention, brother! And thanks for writing the kind of post that strengthens our community! Much love.
Of course brother! It's my favorite kind to do :-)
Thanks for the list, already spotted some of my favorite Steemians here!
(upvoted for visibility.)
This is an outstanding list. Though I ain't familiar with most of the names on the list, I happen to have come in contact with works from @aggroed, @lukestokes and @dollarvigilante and they've been nothing short inspiring and informative.Thanks for putting this out.
Hey these are the pioneers here and we never heard thank you for the list if those anarchist I will follow each of them
Hopefully they will make steemit great again
Wonderful, I love to see everybody actually get more followers from this :-)
Cheers brother. Much appreciated! Voluntary on!
You're very welcome! Thanks for keeping up your wonderful content flow!
Thanks for the shout out! You know I appreciate all you do! Much love and respect to you!
You're very welcome brother!
Thank you very much for the excellent research and post! I appreciate the shout out! :) Keep up the great work!
It's funny, I saw a few of my friends on this post and didn't even know they were on Steemit! Good to know!
Cheers and Steem on!
You're very welcome, glad I can help connect such wonderful humans and help everyone create abundance while spreading the good word :-)
Good team! Nice list
Aanarchy is the mother of order!
Thank @kennyskitchen
The mother of order. I've never heard that one, but I like it!
You can scratch any ancraps from that list and maybe you will find room for some more names,...
I've got room for more, I've already added another since I posted it initially.
I don't buy into the false division of anarchists based on personal preference in lifestyle or which step of the transformation they focus on. (Anarcho-capitalism is the next step from corporatism, then we can evolve to a fully cooperative model once people are free to decide their own lives)
We are at a pivotal moment.
I think i may be suffering from some burnout, i have been at this a long time.
Patience has never been my strong suit.
Half measures, and those that embrace their slavery because they are too lazy to free their minds, fray my nerves.
I can feel that brother!
Just like any other change we wish to manifest, I find it extremely important to celebrate each step along the way, and everyone else who isn't in the same place as us, but is walking down the same path. There are a LOT of humans who want a version of Earth that is more balanced, more peaceful, more loving, more cooperative, healthier in every way... If they would agree that they all want those things (in which almost everyone agrees), and that the rest (level of technology, economic system, religious/spiritual beliefs) is all personal preference and can be decided individually and in community.
Let's get rid of the states as physical reality and the state as a culturally acceptable concept of human organization. Let's get rid of the banks as a physical reality and usury as a culturally acceptable form of interaction. Let's get rid of war, "corporal punishment" for children, corporations, and all the other direct forms of violence, coercion, and control (different manifestations of violation of another).
Once we get to that world, everything else can work itself out organically, peacefully, and in a decentralized way. This means there will be Rainbow communities, RBE communities, agorist communities, anarcho-primitivist communities, and yes, even anarcho-capitalist communities.
If you've followed any of my conversations with an-caps (or most folks who really like to self-identify as anything) I'm generally working to find the synthesis, the best of both opinions/options, the middle path as it were. (it often ends up with comment threads where an-coms are attacking me and comment threads where an-caps are.
We are in the millions. I'd reckon close to/over a billion are within a year or two of being there (less and less time the more we all cooperate & synergize the strengths of different archetypes), and the whole world is just a generation or two away from being fully realized conscious sovereigns, if we can just put down our adjectives and focus together on the steps we all agree should happen.
We're almost there. I don't know about you, but I'm excited, overjoyed to get to live in this time of paradigm shift. We literally get to have a personal hand in shaping the world of the future, through what we do, what we say, who we connect with, how we heal & integrate our traumas, what we show as an example for others...
I'm with ya, not all of us have the leisure to do the reading, nor the good fortune to be in an environment conducive to learning from outside the paradigm.
Ironically, it is the breaking of the clearly stated rules that gets me riled up.
Thanks for that reference. I think it was sent to me maybe only once in all the discussions I've had on this topic regarding self-ownership, property rights, and the like. I have not read through all of it, but it's now bookmarked, and I surely will. I can appreciate how frustrating it must feel to have language and historical tradition subverted to mean something else entirely. I also see entrepreneurship, free value exchange, and the type of "capitalism" many I know appreciate might really only be possible, ethically, via the technologies which exist today such as blockchain cryptocurrency free from the nation-state. If that's true, we should start seeing more and more examples of it in reality. I look forward to reading through this more and hopefully writing on it more in the future to clarify some things for myself and those who use (and misuse) these labels in my community.
That is only one section of the faq, there are many.
Too many that call themselves anarchists have no real clue what they are talking about, nor even that this has all been hashed out 150+ years ago.
Their brashness at 'making their own' rules often leads them down non and counter productive paths creating turmoil where none would exist if they had caught up with the rest of the class.
I can only lead you to the source.
You have to decide for you what to do with the knowledge available in the time available to absorb it.
This is beautifully said. I've spent a lot of time arguing why I don't want governments controlling things and prefer a path of self-ownership leading to production of goods and services which can be voluntarily traded and enjoyed, even creating profit for creators to encourage more creation. I then get side-tracked into pointless debates about personal property, toothbrushes, justification for land ownership, involuntary wage-slavery which has nothing to do with my self-employed perspective, etc, etc... In this community, we all want a voluntary, peaceful, prosperous, free world. Just as you said, there are many paths to get there and many sub communities will enjoy completely different approaches because, even on a genetic level, our species is very diverse and prefers many different styles of living.
Love and respect for others is enough. We can get there with multiple approaches and even learn a bit about each other along the way.
Keep spreading the good word of decentralized progress while not compromising your universal principles or your personal preferences.
And we can marry our cousins.
Say what?
I was rather pleased to see some ancaps on the list. It's one certain way to ensure that the echo chamber of traditional anarchism is avoided and some semblance of critical thinking still remains.
I just lament the time wasted on half measures.
The enemies of anarchism slow the progress by such tactics.
Im getting grumpier about it, too.
Well anarcho-capitalism is the only version of capitalism I have encountered that is logically consistent. At least internally. All the others have some sort of government, one way or another, that decides what the rest may or may not do. It's also the only version I know of that supports property rights. If you don't support property rights, you don't really support rights.
Here, look at this and tell me what you think, just the chapter titles,...
Somehow I doubt that you have encountered 'all of them'.
Mine meets all them requirements, and can be summed up in keep working, stop paying, and rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
With those two axioms I resolve most of society's ailments, but nobody listens to me, because I hurt their little feelers, too much.
It appears that Berkman at least also gets it. He disagrees with the Individualist Anarchists, but he also sees them - rightfully so - as part of the Anarchists. The compulsion not to own private property is somehow not considered compulsion.
"All Anarchists agree on this fundamental position: that government means injustice and oppression, that it is invasive, enslaving, and the greatest hindrance to man’s development and growth.
They all believe that freedom can exist only in a society where there is no compulsion of any kind. All Anarchists are therefore at one on the basic principle of abolishing government.
They disagree mostly on the following points:
I think PJ did a poor job deliniating what private property is.
Nobody wants to take anybody's stuff.
My solution moves us forward from where we are now.
If you have a mansion and servants they are yours to keep, any private jets, too.
However, it would be my guess that the servants would leave, and the mansions fall into disrepair, when anything anybody wants is theirs for the asking.
The workers only have to continue to do the work while refusing to pay to get that work back from the crapitalusts.
The crapitalusts can lock us out of 'their' factories, but that is just a hurdle that the crapitalusts can erect, it wont stop anything once the workers decide to toss off the money masters.
Workers do all the work, dollars dont do crap, except see to it that workers are slaves of those that control it.
As the workers figure this out i expect a mess, they are gonna be upset for a while.
I've encountered that one, it's one of the most obviously logically inconsistent ones.
Of course it is,...
Good Post - I'll definitely have a run through some of the names that I haven't come across before. Except you've overlooked Crypto Nights! @alexmavor and I have been putting together our series for a couple of months now and are starting to pick up some traction. Something to keep an eye out for in 2018 ;)
Check us out and let me know your thoughts!
Thank you for those very kind words. I'm very flattered. Great list by the way on one of the most important topic of our time.
You're very welcome brother! Excited to create another list to connect the anarchists and hopefully bring more to our platform :-)
The blanket term "anarchist" is no good anymore friend. You have to use the necessary language ancaps and voluntaryists away from antifa commie shitstains.
If you look up in the comments a bit you'll find my conversation with freebornangel, where I gave pretty in-depth thoughts on that. I personally don't buy into the false dichotomies and identity politics. It amazes me how many seemingly intelligent, logical, and well-meaning people get sucked into the most basic of psy-ops.
If you're a true anarchist, why would it bother you when other people aren't 'true' dyed in the red anarchists?
I don't want to take away from the topic's objective, but the gentleman has a point. My friends defend individual liberty. Those are the people I'm looking to connect with, and those are the people who'll save the world.
You bastard ! I had so much shit to do today, now Im going to be glued to this list reading all underwear is going to remain unwashed and my cat will starve. And YOU are responsible....
Thanks for posting this list, enjoy the rest of your weekend :-)
Best comment! Thank you for that
I hope I will be on that list one day. I wrote few articles about anarchy...
Those are really nice piece of content... Nice work
why 42 ?
43 now haha. That's just how many I have/had :-) Now I want to come up with one more so it's 44.
There's really a lot more than that when you look at the list at the bottom that haven't posted recently.
funny :)
Thanks. I found a few in there I had not yet located. I look forward to hearing from them.
Wonderful, glad I could expand your circle of creators a bit :-)
I love how organized and unified anarchists are. :)
keeo on fighting the good fight for the future of our world
This is awesome, thank you! I joined this website both to share, and to read quality content, and it seems to contain a lot of it. Now i'll go work In the future, i hope to see myself on one of these lists :)
Hey Kenny
Thanks bro. It's nice to get mention.
I'm still around, just not posting much. Lots going on though.
Keep up the good work.
Hey Joe! I just saw you hadn't posted in quite some time :-/
Hope all is well in your world, would love to catch up a bit with what you're up to.
What a nice post to basically shout out the community :) I will have to slowly check each profile out and so far some have resonated with me already! Thank you @kennyskitchen!
I love doing big shout-out posts :-) Next 2 lists will be the "Vegans of Steemit" and "Alchemists/Energy-Workers of Steemit"
Nice! will definitely keep a lookout, Its a good community here, supporting each other is key
Thanks I followed a few who I wasn't following before such as catherinebleush.
I'm new to Steemit but this list makes me feel it's the right place for me! did I not make this list? @ashe-oro and @libertyepodcast. Maybe b/c I concentrate on building biz rather than complaining abt the State?
Because I've never heard of you, actually. I'll check out your content, though if I add you I'll be mentioning that you you suggested yourself by belittling others on the list :-P
it is the case in my experience. Can you appreciate that maybe we've had different experiences? Can you see how I can make a statement about building vs complaining (without saying anyone's name) without it being a personal attack?
I can totally see that. I did put a little emoji at the end of the sentence to show that it was more of a jest, I guess I should have put "jk" too.
Thanks, Kenny. One thing I did notice at this year's conference was that many speakers (including myself) did concentrate on the relationship and compassionate approach of "ending the state". I owe Sterlin an old fashion as soon as I see him next year. If you drink alcohol, I've got your first one too.
I apprecaite that we could start off with a misunderstanding and then come back to understand each other's experience and perspective a bit better.
I've noticed the generally energy/mindset of the conference getting better and better since the first one (imho at least). From being almost totally focused on crypto & the basics of the philosophy in 2015, to this year's event having talks on psychedelics, veganism, healing trauma, the Rainbow Gatherings (hey, that was me ;-P), and so much more (including plenty of crypto & philosophy)
I absolutely love that, and it's one of my favorite parts of going to events like Anarchapulco, where I agree with most everyone on the basic moral principles, but have a very different version of what it looks like and how to get there.
I added you to the list, and I just said that we met in the comments of this post.
thank you, just trying to do my part.
I don't care if i'm in your list or not. Complaining about the State is what the majority of Anarchists do. It catches a lot more attention than showing people how to build a biz, create value and build their freedom.
I don't believe that's the case, at least based on my personal experience.
Having spent time with thousands of anarchists for the last 3 years, in a variety of settings, I've found that most of them are working on learning, bettering themselves, becoming physically sovereign (growing their own food, building their own homes, etc), and being happy.
Have you looked at the works of many of the people I listed? Lots of different kinds of activists present.
I have. I really appreciate guys like Mike, Juan, Sterlin, Berwick and so many others. Just trying to figure out why anger sells more than building. Thanks for your feedback.
Of course :-) I can understand the frustration with that trend, but it's all about where we're keeping our focus. I know a lot of content creators who are much bigger and don't do anything but empower folks (though most of them don't use the word anarchist either, or really self-identify at all).
Why anger sells more than building I would assume is just because it's emotionally triggering, so more likely to cause a reaction vs. a response.
yep, i agree with you there. I've often wondered if using the label "anarchist" is constructive any more. Seems that ppl automatically assume it means destruction and chaos. Is it worth it to try to re-capture and re-define the word now?
I'm starting to think it's not, which is why I use "entrepreneur" now instead. That word hasn't been stolen from us yet.
I'm not angry and don't attempt to sell it. I know tons of liberty lovers who are quietly preparing and furthering the cause by their day to day actions. They are walking towards the same objective. We may not be on the same path, but we have the same destination. None of them are the angry type either.
and who did I belittle? Specifically?
You're making it sound as though all that "some others on the list" do is complain. Having gone through all the people on this list, and knowing many of them personally, I know that is not the case. You weren't specific, but rather made a general statement targeted at a whole group of people.
if you want to argue semantics, then that's one thing. If you want to discuss the differences between building freedom by being an Anarchist (using positive energy) vs complaining and pointing out the ills of the State (typically negative energy) then that could be productive.
I know many of the list personally. The whole "building rather than complaining" is one of my passions. For example, check out my speech at this years Anarchapulco conference titled "Anarchy 3.0: Building Freedom Thru Entrepreneurship"
I do apologize if my comment came across as belittling. It wasn't intended so. I do get tired of many Anarchists using anger to build their brands. It's one thing to point out the evils of government, but another to belabor it.
Again, if you are going to caveat my name on your list, I'd rather stay out of any spotlight whatsoever and keep building instead.
Don't feel bad I have been on this thing from the early days and I still didn't make the cut. But why talk shit about the others? Oh wait, you always do that.
I just added you Randy :-)
I have to admit, not only is tracking everyone down to include tricky, the closer I get to being done the less I try to find more people to include haha. Same thing happened the last time, but this go around I'm going to stay on top of it and keep adding people up until the 7-day mark.
That's the beauty of these types of posts. They connect a lot of friends who didn't know each other beforehand. Thanks again for posting it. If any others do similar posts, I'd love to see them. In fact, we should perhaps make a special tag for it? I'd suggest #libertyprofessionals, but then... I'm biased. ha ha ;-) @grow-pro, you have your ears on?
I do? Who do I ever talk shit about? Who's 1 person, Randy? How did I talk shit about anyone? I'm trying to change the topic of conversation away from pointing out problems to creating/building solutions.
Thank you for this! I literally just joined Steemit, and followed everyone on your list :-)
Followed back. Welcome! I'll stop by in a few minutes to share some tips too.
cool people on the list, hopefully we are free someday!!
Cool article, your Mises link is broken though FYI, followed you.
∞ G O ≈ D O ∞
Just fixed it, thanks for the comment (and the follow)!
I'm already following a lot of the people on that list, but checking the rest out right now. Thanks for this!
Wonderful, hope you enjoy them all :-)
You're very welcome!
I'm going to have to post more ancap content; I've been too focused on crypto/steemit to make the list.
Thanks for the wake-up call, Kenny. Great choices :)
I am new to steemit. I joined on seeing few good and encouraging posts or ads of some reputed, good earned Steemians. it has been 4 months completed since i Joined. Now i want to see their posts I found not even one since months together. They have good reputation, earning,

But why did they stop posts? I am still following them. One of the best examples is @trevonjb. Through him I learned good tricks and used good apps.
They may be burned out or taking a break from the drama as I know I have been. I have mixed feelings about this place lately. It has soooo much potential, but I am not sure the current structure works well.
why can't you suggest betterment?
Many people already have. :)
meaning hopeless to bring changes
What about me?!!
I've added you to my list. Up to 46 now :-)
Thanks! Enjoyed your post. Great list!
How are you, Danny? I was already following you, and it's good to hear from you.
LLLLwell thanks
nice, a great list of people to follow!
Great post, and good list! Maybe someday I can be on the list, but as an anarchist, do I have to pretend I don't care? LOL...
It seems like the SOP is to talk shit about those who are on the list haha
Oh, I'm not like THOSE kind of anarchists! LOL... Really, I pretty much try to only undermine the establishment... The evil empire, you know? Central Banking, Big Everything...
Actually, if I could wax philosophical for a second... I feel like anarchy looks for more like selflessness, or unconditional love, than riots or revolutions... Maybe I am not the first to say this, but yeah, more compassion with irony, less molotov memes... <3
There's definitely been a handful of em in these comments haha.
The "anarchists" in those riots are almost exclusively government agents (there's a whole documentary about it with the WTO riots in Seattle, where it was a special forces team), and revolutions are pointless.
Revolution: to start over the same cycle... definitely not what I'm shooting for
This is great, it's like a hit list of potential targets to get on my podcast ;) maybe next year I'll make the list!
2 more lists coming up in the near future too: vegans to follow, and energy-workers/healers/alchemists to follow
I am always active, highly motivated and readable post, we continue to work for Steemit to grow.
wow incredibly
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You got a 14.24% upvote from @upme thanks to @kennyskitchen!
Thanks for the details about steemit. I want to know when the steemit has started?
Steemit launched in April 2016
thank you so muchto this informetion, if I get your cooperation, I can reach a much better place than steemit, can I help with a little bit of voting? @eliashossain
If you people are interested, I would love mixting up with you! I am working up in community development and I strive to discuss new ways of building support and organizing means of self determination. See you around people!
You people? What do you mean you people? :-P
I'll bite. :)
This post has received a 22.46 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @kennyskitchen. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.
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How many of these are actual anarchists, vs capitalists who think they're anarchists because they don't like taxes and regulations or something?
An anarchist being one who believes in sovereignty, that violence & the threat of violence should not be used except in self defense, that human interactions should be voluntary? That would be everyone on the list :-)
I'd love if you checked out my conversation with freebornangel, which is above this in the comments thread.
I know the definitions of certain labels are a disaster these days, but the bottom line is whether they are for or against maximizing individual liberty. The people who are for maximizing it are my friends. Are you a friend?