The idea of balance can be used as a way to keep this world as it is and keep ourselves from changing those things that we have the ability to change, specifically if "balance" is defined by polarity (such as the idea that for "love" or "peace" to exist, "hate" and "war" must also exist). I am definitely not implying anyone should try to become like the Dalai Lama. If anything from my perspective, the Dalai Lama, similar to figures like Buddha or Jesus, exist to create the perception that real purity is in fact unattainable for us "normal people" and that we should not even try to change. I don't define "internal change" as in achieving some great idea of enlightenment, but more to change that which we know we have the ability to change in ways which we know is best.
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“Hating” the dark natured humans, or hating the light natured humans, is the root cause of negativity – it’s the “hate” that’s negative. The natures by themselves are pure, and required for a balance in physical experience :)
I am looking more at things on the level of the individual, not so much as an observer of the "whole". On the level of the individual, that "dark nature" isn't necessarily "who" that person is, but is more who and how they've become due to certain experiences they've went through in their life. To consider them part of a balance that needs to be maintained would from my perspective be to accept that they will be our "martyrs", allowing the rest of us to be on the good/positive end of the polarity, while what they really need is support to overcome their "preprogrammed" dark nature.
Agreed @kimamourette! This was an interesting little rabbit hole wasn't it :)
Lol yes, thank you for being open to discussion!
Always @kimamourette! :)