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RE: Response: Wouldn't Warlords Take Over

in #anarchy8 years ago

I'm sure the 10,000 hours you were forced to spend in a govt. school being obedience-trained, er, I mean 'educated' by teachers who each were also forced to spend 10,000 hours in a govt. school (and whom rely on a govt. paycheck for their livelihood--absolutely no conflict-of-interest there!) in no way has biased your views towards govt...I'm sure your school also put significant effort into teaching you critical-thinking/reasoning skills and also encouraged you to be extremely skeptical of their authority over you...


So are you implying ignorance is better? That everything I say is invalid because I was taught by the government? This is ridiculous and not even an actual argument. It's essentially an ad hominim combined with an appeal to non-conformity.

Whether my school taught me critical thinking skills or not, I have them and most of my beliefs and arguments are based on my experience of life outside of school. Although I doubt I'd do quite as well if I could barely read because I was never taught how by one of the teachers you like to malign.


"W/O govt. there would be no education"

"The 10,000 hours I spent in govt. schools being schooled by govt. agents has no bearing on my view of govt."