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RE: Buying Influence

in #anarchy7 years ago

"The basic and crucial political issue of our age is: capitalism versus socialism, or freedom versus statism. For decades, this issue has been silenced, suppressed, evaded, and hidden under the foggy, undefined rubber-terms of “conservatism” and “liberalism” which had lost their original meaning and could be stretched to mean all things to all men."
Ayn Rand


"No valid philosophy can't be practiced to the nth degree." - Ayn Rand

Enjoy your day!

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

That quote asumes that capitalism = freedom. But thats false, they are very much diferent. As capitalism is a form of authoritarian control too, control through scarcity my means of money. exibit a here is the point that is made in this article that its more profitable to be corrupt. That is a form of capitalism. Money is just one of the tools of control.

Money is one of the tools of exchange - not of control.
In capitalism (which means - truly free-market) there's no deal, no exchange until both sides of that deal are satisfied from it.
Those who have more money can have more "power" than others, but it only can (not must) lead to use of physical coercion.
Coercion doesn't need money - man can be phisicaly beaten even by the poorest of the poor.

You're confusing alternative definitions for words with arguments against a particular point of view. No anarcho-capitalist would define their philosophy to include fraud as acceptable behavior within society. Corrupt political or media influence is fraudulent behavior not supported by any philosophy I can think of save for maybe hedonism.