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RE: Why I Respect the DAO Hacker But Not The DollarVigilante

in #anarchy9 years ago

Just from your nickname I can tell you are still ancap fresh.

I am not only ancap and never voted. I run the largest freethinking tank central to the ideas of freethought, atheism and anarchocapitalism in my country.

I can smell phonies from a mile away


What ever happened to the golden rule ? What ever happened to do as you like as long as it doesn't damage others ? ..... Or, to be crass about it, who died and left you in charge ? ......... You went on and on and on writing without making a direct point, indicating to me that you didn't "like" the fact that anyone could bring his success with him to SteemIT and take some of the wind out of your sails after you worked so hard, (and I'm sure you have, even though I don't know You).....
My suggestion would be to see what you can learn from other peoples success, rather than saying everything other than "THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW !!!", or generally expressing distaste about someone's actions who has done nothing but good, and that you evidently don't know .......
And, there is absolutely nothing "fresh or "phony" about me, I've been studying a huge variety of subjects for over 40 years, probably before you were born, and I have a 153 I.Q.......
BTW, good for you on running your think-tank, but you make me wonder about what kind of fixed ideas you may be pushing after reading your comments here, or maybe I'm wrong, it could be you don't like anyone challenging your position, what ever that may be ......
There are many other more constructive things that we could be talking about .........