Evil Intent

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

There is a lot about politics and “current events” which makes absolutely no sense as long as you are still assuming noble intentions on the part of those in power, but which makes perfect sense once you accept that the people who are at the top of the governmental power structure are genuinely malicious, to the point of being psychotic and downright evil.

A prime example is the destructive insanity perpetrated by the U.S. ruling class in the name of the “war on drugs.” While a lot of conservative voters who still cheer for such authoritarian violence may still have noble intentions—albeit drastically misguided noble intentions—there is exactly no chance that the people in power actually making it happen are doing so from virtuous motives. If you doubt that, here are some things that you necessarily must believe:

1 - Shortly after watching alcohol prohibition result in a massive, obvious increase in violence, corruption and crime—including organized crime—the well-intentioned politicians honestly believed that trying the exact same thing with other substances was going to have a dramatically different outcome.

2 - After many decades of spying, harassing, searching, detaining and caging many millions of non-violent people, and seeing that “illegal” drug use is still going strong, those in power still actually think that ending it is just a few more laws, and a few more paramilitary raids away from being a reality.

3 - The politicians actually believe that letting more people do something that makes them mellow and happy (marijuana) is more destructive to society than inflicting never-ending fascist violence upon millions of non-violent people.

4 - Those in power are not aware of the fact that all of the violent drug gangs in the U.S., as well as the Mexican drug cartels, would be out of business almost immediately if drug prohibition was ended.

5 - Those in power truly believe that, even though they have never been able to keep “illegal” substances out of their own prisons, they are still thinking they can keep them out of an entire country.

6 - The politicians haven’t noticed that creating an “illegal” market in “narcotics” has resulted (just as alcohol prohibition did) in people using and becoming addicted to far more dangerous substances than would exist in a free market.

7 - Those at the top of “government” haven’t noticed yet that, where “drugs” have been decriminalized, the result was not chaos, mayhem and widespread addiction; the main result was a drastic decrease in “government” violence.

8 - The politicians really and truly believe that millions of lives being ruined by the draconian “war on drugs” has been good for humanity.

While a lot of voters may be naive and gullible enough to think that drug prohibition is a good thing, there is no chance that the people at the top of “government” are unaware of all of the history and statistics showing that, when it comes to the well-being of society, the “war on drugs” has been nothing short of a heinous atrocity, and that continuing it will only bring more of the same.

No, lunatics like Jeff Sessions do not mean well. (Nor does Trump; nor did Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or the other Bush, etc.) They know the “war on drugs” will never, and can never, be “won,” and in fact never had any intention of “winning” it, but instead have always had every intention of continuing to use it as an excuse for more and more intrusive, abusive, violent authoritarian power, knowing full well that the result would be more innocent people suffering and dying, both from consumption of unnecessarily dangerous substances, and from the violence created by the black market, at the hands of drug gangs and cartels, as well as at the hands of desperate and deranged addicts, and perhaps most importantly, at the hands of desperate and deranged “law enforcers.” (Also, as it happens, it is becoming more and more obvious, even to the general public, that the biggest drug-runner in the game is the C.I.A., so for the U.S. "government" to pretend to be trying to combat “illegal drugs” is just ridiculous.)

Yes, they really are that evil. No, the “war on drugs” did not fail, because the stated goal (ending or at least significantly reducing “drug” use) was never the actual goal. The “war on drugs” has been a smashing success, because it has achieved its actual goal—what it was intended to do from the beginning—which was causing strife, pain, fear, suffering and death, which would then be used by psychopaths as an excuse for ever-increasing “government”-sanctioned surveillance, harassment, persecution and murder.

(P.S. The fact that personally I’ve never used, and never had any interest in using, so-called “narcotics,” or even alcohol or cigarettes, doesn’t mean that I can’t see and condemn the profound widespread evil that has been done in the name of the “war on drugs.”)


The biggest stumbling block for me is I still have doubts... that those in congress could just not know. That they could be idiots.

But, if you ignore what is being said, and look at the actions, it is very clear that they all know and all go along with it, whether it be for evil or kickbacks.

I suspect that some know that it's very much in their interests not to know. If you see what I mean.

Wow. Thank you @larkenrose for saying what I have been thinking for a very long time. It's absolutely true. At least when they declared the end of prohibition, it was an admitted failure. Now no one can stand up and say that the 'war on drugs' isn't working or didn't work, in fact it was lost as soon as it began. But the government had to pretend that they were doing something about it.

I like the fact that you point out what many fail to recognize. The fact that many call the war on drugs a "failure" think that the government wants to stop people from using substances that may harm themselves or others, and that their intentions are moral. It is totally the opposite, as you have pointed out. People need to understand this.

(P.S. The fact that personally I’ve never used, and never had any interesting in using, so-called “narcotics,” or even alcohol or cigarettes, doesn’t mean that I can’t see and condemn the profound widespread evil that has been done in the name of the “war on drugs.”) No you would have a better viewpoint to see it from. Thanks, Uv & Rs

Diabolical truth∞§∞

very good catching mafia .... @larkenrose

ah, jeff sessions aka The Keebler Elf. ...asleep in the tree while pedos play, but angry as phuque at pot smokers who just wanna pray. Kokesh, 2020.

Excellent post. Thank you.

Hmmm...I'm not feeling this post. 1) It's filled to the brim with conjuncture and not heavy on facts. For example how do you know Session is a "lunatic?" You can't just make that claim without examples or having an psych eval.

Even if you're just name calling Session, it undercuts your objectivity on this subject and reveal a clear bias.

It's one thing to make these claim against The Bushes, Clinton, and Obama, Many of them served their 8 years in office and clearly have connections to The Rothschild and Globalist system that participate in the occult. All of this can be researched.

But to even make a claim that Trump or Sessions are connected to this beast system is yet to be seen. It clearly looks like they are not a part of this evil you speak of. It's only been 1 year and some change since Trump has been in office. He signed an EO that targets and seizes the property, monies and assets of those involved in child/ sex trafficking. There are currently over 13,000 sealed indictments (an average year gets about 1000) which correlates to the 13,000 new jail cells in Guantanamo. There is a military tribunal that has been assembled to review these high level cases. The evil you believe that has been created by the CIA is correct. It's been perpetrated by the Deep State. There's a war happening. You should know that the good guys are working and winning. If you believe there is evil intentions out in the world, it also means there are good people fighting the good fight to defeat them.

If you think that Trump is one of the good guys, and is fighting against the authoritarian "deep state," then you are engaged in willful blindness. Trump is the same old puppet, with a slightly different act.

Some of the most frustrating convo's I've had w/"constitutional conservatives" (mostly w/Baby Boomer cons) involved their support of the Drug War. They support a proven-failure of a program that is also blatantly unconstitutional--at least the alcohol prohibitionists enacted an amendment. I've pointed out to them numerous times that the same logic ("public safety") can be applied to guns and their hilarious response is "gun are protected by the constitution" (the same thing they ignore w/their Drug War support!).