In recent months I have noticed an interesting trend, and there is no way it is coincidence. The pattern is very clear and predictable, and it absolutely stinks of a concerted effort to manufacture "popular opinion"--to make people THINK that a lot of people think a certain way. Exactly who is doing it, I don't know, but the pattern has become too obvious to deny.
Here is how it works: When I post something on YouTube, in among the initial wave of comments, for or against whatever I was expressing--and especially after it starts to die down--there will be a number of comments which are generally disagreeing with and/or insulting or condemning me. That much, by itself, is (of course) neither surprising nor suspicious. HOWEVER, a certain number of such comments fit a very particular pattern:
They contain little or no substance, and no actual argument against anything I said. (That by itself is not very unusual.)
They are worded in a way to pretend that the commenter was once a supporter of mine (but someone I've never heard of), but who now says they are "disappointed" in me or have "lost respect" for me. This is an essential psychological component of the scheme, because the goal is not to debate me, or to even make any point (even a stupid point), but to try to emotionally and/or psychologically imply to others that they should distrust and shun me. Again, this is all about MANUFACTURING a certain "public opinion."
When you look up the accounts they come from--and this is the really significant part--they are always either totally empty, or haven't been used in ages, and back when they were last used, months or years back, it was to post a few random nothing videos having nothing to do with philosophy or politics. And they are always accounts I have never seen before, and names I've never heard of before (so they're not even genuine hater-trolls who just have a grudge against me).
Such comments will often begin, and there will be several of them, from different accounts--all with the same characteristics described above--after the initial wave of comments dies down, so that the psy-ops comments don't get lost in the flood.
As most of you probably know, the feds have been caught paying armies of fake online personas to do exactly this. So at this point, when a comment fits all of those criteria perfectly, I block the account. And of course, more always appear.
But this is actually a very GOOD sign that we're making enough of an impact that some people feel the need to engage in such slimy, deceptive psy-ops, mind-control and propaganda tactics.
(P.S. I'm sure this happening under my most recent video has nothing at all to do with the fact that Adam Kokesh has a degree in psychology, did psy-ops when in the Marines, and is obsessed with NLP (neuro-linguistic programming).)
There seems to be a lot of that going around of late. When you actually speak to people, very few actually go along with what the media says we all believe, but they don't say anything for fear of reprisal from what the think the masses believe. It's quite an effective tactic when it comes to keeping people quiet.
Very good post! You are really onto something here.. I think that there is a backlash to everything, esp. when the act goes against the grain, as is the case with gov. psyops.. You and many others have exposed @adamkokesh for what he is, that also says something about the backlash.. Sometimes it takes a good long while for people to catch on, for others it's instantaneous (like the Truth about Cannabis, or vaccines, or GMO's)
I used to think you were on to it but now I think you are always wrong about everything...
Congratulations! You made it to the big time.
Larken -
It seems reasonable that you've described an agenda already implemented by Artificial Intelligence. If you've watched any documentaries about Touchless Torture and Targeted Individuals, you know everybody's number is coming up. Tie up your loose ends as far as diet and body conditioning, it's gonna be a rough decade like the world has never seen. Kokesh just dropped the weight of the world onto his back he's finished, irrelevant to free men.
Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA