You gave the example of the end of feudalism, but after feudalism came capitalism!
Yep, and as a capitalist, I think that's awesome!
I think as long as there are human societies, people will naturally form hierarchies or systems of governance where leadership emerges.
I agree with you, but I think it is possible to eliminate coercive hierarchies in favor of voluntary hierarchies. Economic hierarchies tend to be voluntary--meaning that certain actors or providers will rise to the top of a market because people voluntarily pay them for their products/services. In non-coercive systems, leaders emerge because they have some knowledge, skill set, or personality attributes that inspire admiration/cooperation, OR, people voluntarily accept their authority because they're getting something in return, like a paycheck. Conversely, state hierarchies are always coercive by design, and can be no other way. People subjected to state hierarchies are not free to negotiate the terms of their relationship with the state, and are not free to leave without basically buying their freedom, and even then they have to submit to the coercive authority of another state in order to live in the world.
In the case of decentralised currencies, there are still sharks and minnows!
But this, again, is a voluntary situation for all involved.
human nature will always find a way to capitalise.
Yes! And it's wonderful. All the word "capitalize" means is to grow and improve what one already has, in order to improve one's life. State coercion is designed to stifle individuals' efforts to capitalize on the resources and opportunities of life, while decentralized systems tend to increase opportunity and enable the kind of innovation that leads to greater levels of economic equality--without any force required.
Appreciate the discussion!