Pied Piper Candidates and Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

in #anarchy8 years ago

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Pied Piper Candidates and Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

Wikileaks recently released a document outlining the Clinton campaign’s collusion with the DNC. This document shows that collusion goes at least as far back as April of 2015. It also outlines a particular strategy which involves coordination with the media by which the Clinton campaign would “tell the press to them seriously (sic)”

The goals and strategy of HRC’s campaign are as follows:

 - Force all Republican candidates to lock themselves into extreme conservative positions that will hurt them in a general election;

 - Undermine any credibility/trust Republican presidential candidates have to make inroads to our coalition or independents;

 - Muddy the waters on any potential attack lodged against HRC.

The memo then goes on to list Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson as the three ‘Pied Piper’ candidates. I found it interesting that Rand Paul was lumped in with the “more-established” candidates as his father surely would have been considered a “Pied Piper”. With Rand they decided that what they would like to undermine with him is “the idea he is a “different” kind of Republican; his stance on the military and his
appeal to millennials and communities of color.“

Clinton’s campaign also stated that the RNC “has been telegraphing they are ready to attack and do so with reckless abandon.”

I find that statement very interesting as the RNC and the Republican establishment in general has not been a very vocal opponent of Clinton’s campaign at all. If you remove the investigation into her illegal email server and the investigation into Benghazi then there has not been a lot of attacks coming from Clinton’s alleged opposition which has been “building it’s opposition research on Hillary Clinton for decades.”

Muddying the Waters

The leaked document also goes on to highlight the subjects that the Clinton campaign would like to focus on her GOP opponents in an effort to “muddy the waters”. These three items should also be looked at as Clinton’s own self-realized weaknesses. They are as follows:

- Transparency & disclosure 

- Donors & associations 

- Management & business dealings 

They also go on to state that they won’t be “picky” regarding information on scandals or ethical lapses with regards to the GOP candidates.

The Plan Comes to Fruition

In closing, what this leaked document shows is that, at the very least, Clinton’s campaign is going almost exactly according to her plan as laid forth in this document. It also further exposes the electoral process as what it is; a contrived and egocentric bid to be the most powerful in all of the land. What it does not show is any humanity whatsoever in the drive to to the nomination. This is a blueprint on how to sling mud in a political campaign it is not a blueprint on how to win the hearts and minds of the electorate. There is absolutely nothing positive in the entire document and I think that is for good reason; as there is nothing positive in the entire political process.

The sooner we realize that these people are after their own self interest at the expense of others. The sooner we will understand that we are our own masters and only after that has happened can we begin to build a world in which we are no longer dominated by these megalomaniacal tyrants.