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RE: Voluntaryism: Do the Ends Justify the Means?

in #anarchy7 years ago

Graham if you're going to edit your posts with new content, please make a note of it as it makes the conversation difficult to follow.

Now tell me how forcing one man’s non-free-market, illegitimate authority (US election garnered “authority”) on everyone in the geographical region known as the US, doesn’t violate the non-aggression principle.

The NAP involves actual aggression and the initiation of force. As I've said before, I don't see actual acts of aggression in the plan. I see it removing systems which violate the NAP every single day. When I tried to understand exactly which parts of the plan you consider violations, you mentioned national parks in a way that Adam himself didn't agree with and he wrote the plan. My understanding of the plan is to try and localize and use the free-market as much as possible to return stollen property. If there are areas which don't do it as well as it could. I hope we can make suggestions to improve it.

As I mentioned in my post and in my discussions with Larken, I don't truly think he can or will win, this is more about getting on the Libertarian ballot in order to spread the message, as Ron Paul did. From that perspective, the plan has to follow libertarian principles as best as it possibly can while still remaining within a framework many Statists are still brainwashed to believe (i.e. that voting really grants authority to someone to violate the NAP). I thought this was so obvious as to not have to mention it, but if that's the core of our disagreement, then we may have no disagreement here at all.


As I mentioned in my post and in my discussions with Larken, I don't truly think he can or will win, this is more about getting on the Libertarian ballot in order to spread the message

What message does fraudulently securing donations send?

What does “put down the ideology” do for spreading the ideology????

What message does fraudulently securing donations send?

A really crappy one, as I already mentioned. I'd like to know what's up with the $6k. That said, it's small potatoes compared to the trillions of dollars the U.S. government is raping us with. I prefer to get more upset about that and try some strategies to end it.

Again, I really dislike the word Ideology. Maybe that's my bad. Have you seen "The Pervert's Guide to Ideology" by Slavoj Žižek? Here's a short clip.

Okay, it’s fair that you may dislike a word, but that word has a clear definition and meaning, and like it or not, Voluntaryism is indeed an ideology. The whole crux of voluntaryism is the ideas. The simple principles based on the reality of ISO.

As for the money. It’s been far more than 6 thousand that was secured. Furthermore, no address or apology for the dishonest acquisition means has been made.

This doesn’t seem to be a one off thing, either. There is a pattern. Look into what happened with the breach of trust with Shield Mutual.

Look at what happens after every single publicity stunt. Please donate!

The NAP involves actual aggression and the initiation of force. As I've said before, I don't see actual acts of aggression in the plan.

So everyone can freely homestead anywhere in the parks once the Fed is dissolved, without permission from Kokesh/the non-profit?

He replied to this point in a comment to you already. I look forward to your debate with him to further clarify.

I read his reply. It was vague and didn’t address specifics of how the “process” will work. You know this.

I will ask him tomorrow.