Thanks Luke! Working on a name right now for a podcast I'm starting, focusing on bringing clarity & new ideas out of these sorts of conversations. So far they're all far too alliterative haha. Philosophical Fusion I really like, but people keep telling me not to alliterate so much.
Haha I empathize with your problem, I always name things so overly poetic. I called my old radio show Aural Linguistics, and a D&B night I did Positive Friction, a couple examples X ) Why can't I just call it Pool Party or something normal people will remember lol
Thanks Luke! Working on a name right now for a podcast I'm starting, focusing on bringing clarity & new ideas out of these sorts of conversations. So far they're all far too alliterative haha. Philosophical Fusion I really like, but people keep telling me not to alliterate so much.
Haha I empathize with your problem, I always name things so overly poetic. I called my old radio show Aural Linguistics, and a D&B night I did Positive Friction, a couple examples X ) Why can't I just call it Pool Party or something normal people will remember lol
I immedietly started thinking of names like Philo Funk hahah and then was like, I'm not helping haha