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RE: A Friendly Message to the Steemit Anarchist Community

in #anarchy8 years ago

it's not about some words on a piece of paper, it's about the money ... who took all the money? not some foreign enemy, but the government itself, with the federal reserve running the scam

and soldiers die to keep that scam going, nothing else!


To be frank, that sounds like an argument I would hear from a freshman international relations 101 discussion.

You just attempted to sum up the entirety of human conflict in one paragraph and you expect someone to swallow the entire sum of what you say as indisputable, objective, truth, regardless of nuance?

Fed scam? Check. Power from money? Check. Elected representatives voting themselves free money and power from the legislative body for campaign donations? Absolutely.

Pretending there are no enemies to America or Westerners abroad? Fatalistically foolish.

The Constitution has BECOME "some words on a piece of paper", but that doesn't change its importance in history in forging the road towards representative republics and democracies and away from monarchies. The words in that document are far more important to me than any politician past or present because its like the kernel of an Operating System. Bad mouth it all you want, but its created a nation that has churned out some brilliant scientific and business minds who have created and accomplished world changing advancements.

You think the military has more of a role in the scam of the money printing? Or the elected representatives who use that same money to buy votes from people who simply want to be taken care of their whole lives?

Also more antagonism -- "betray yourself" ; "believing the lies"... you assume I'm ignorant or a fool. Based on your arguments, I just assume your perspective is limited and your belief system can't allow any competing information to enter without feeling the need to lash out at the messenger. I don't think you're ignorant or a fool at all, but I get the sense you feel that way about me.

To that point -- how old are you? I would guess early 20's. This matters because of the 'perspective' thing I mentioned

@luminousvisions - right into the ad hominems. Game. Set. Match.

Have a nice life.