hahaha ... you copy/paste some nonsense from the internet and you think that means something ...
next thing you'll tell me is that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave ... I bet you believe that nonsense as well
hahaha ... I love uneducated fools, always good for a laugh
PS: I'm fluent is Dutch, French and English ... how many languages do you master?
You still can't get out of your myopic fixation to understand one or more rulers still applies to the understanding of what anarchy means. Stay stuck in your rigidity. Nice job turning into a troll. Peace.
"Difficult" words? What?
You're very confused on what the state is and what anarchy is. Take it from the grandfather of modern anarchism Michail Bakunin:
Stop trolling your arrogant ignorance. I have enough with one troll who keeps targeting me. Go back under your bridge.