
in #anarchy7 years ago

#Anarchapulco was an amazing and tiring event. In many ways it was a earth shaking conference. (There was an earthquake at the conference ok end of terrible jokes) I met so many smart interesting people who are really on the way to creating amazing projects. I hope to be a part of the change that will stem from this movement. It was hosted at a very nice hotel and resort(The princess hotel). I think somewhere around 1600 people showed up for #anarchapulco. There were plenty of parities and concerts. An amazing beach morning and afternoon yoga, delicious vegan food, and much more.
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So I stayed for the health an wellness and I even went to #anarchaforko (a separate event entirely). I’m tried and still recovering. (I’m so glad I don’t drink like I used to in my college days) So unfortunately because of the nature of the conference and my own personal growth, healing, and from staying up so late every night I admittedly missed a lot of the speakers.

My big take aways from the conference is that there are basic principles and truths most if not all the speakers agree upon. It is also the time for action in the as individuals and communities. It’s time we built a better world. We will not wait for the rest of the world to realise how much better of a world truly based on freedom could look like. Freedom from government.

Personal responsibility is the cornerstone we build all these ideas on. To be truly sovereign you need to take personal responsibility for your own life. Every aspect of your life is your responsibility. Your health, finances, home, thoughts, emotions, family, community, education and more. A more holistic approach looking at all aspects. Easier said then done, even for just one subject like health there seems to be endless options. Well that’s part of the fun you get to find out and try for yourself. It could be steem cells, ozone, eating only fruit, a special diet, yoga, tantra, etc. and all of these methods and more were talked about at the conference.

Speakers and groups I found at the conference all have their own take or strategy to implement this. Groups trying to create free countries, free cities, lodges, free villages, tribes, etc. Most of these groups pairing with an ICO or an existing cryptocurrency. I’m sure there are a number of ideas that sprung from this event that I didn’t get the chance to hear. Decentralisation is a beautiful thing. The philosophy has been talked about for long enough it’s time to act.

I attended Larken Rose’s seminar and I am glad I did. It was all about properly communicating our message and how to actually get through to people. Believe it or not most people do not think logically they are much of emotional with their actions and thoughts. (Advertisers, governments, news agencies have know this for years) You have to take them through their own reasoning step by step and have them realise that something does not add up here. He showed all the pitfalls and ways you can mess this up, and what your intent should be before you talk to them. It was fun to see it in action too with the hotel manager. The goal is to get the person you are talking to realise that their ideas about are against their own moral code. If you have patience and you perfected this art it will always end with that beautiful cognitive dissonance. I practiced a little on my taxi drivers but my Spanish is not so great still fun and maybe it worked.

Once people realise how bad government is for them, then we can talk about all the solutions that we are actively creating. (It sure would be easier if we didn’t have all this red tape to go through)

One thing in particular that I thought was important that G Edward Griffin was trying to bring up is how do we not become that which we seek to replace. Or better said how do we get the sociopathic tendencies out of privatisation? (Privatisation being a much better solution then the monster of government) Personal responsibility for your own money, protection, food and health. Those solutions can all come from the free market and if we stop getting extorted for these services it could be much more cost effective. If you have ever worked in the government or been to the DMV or been extorted I mean taxed for a service that you don’t agree with or think you need you may see my point.

Rights for the individual not the collective. Principles based on liberty not laws based on punishment and extortion. Systems that work holistically not solutions that create more problems. Communities working together locally actively fixing problems in their immediate area. True education not indoctrination. Education based on the interests of the child or individual not on making a machine but a curious, intuitive, independent human being. True health using mother nature and the body itself to treat and cure holistically. Healing trauma through therapy, not medicating behaviour out of people.

I’ll try to simplify it for everyone here.
Free market
Personal responisbility for all aspects of life (health, money, healing traumas, education, etc.)
Right to defend if violence is threaten unpon you
All voluntary interaction and trade
Currency that is as dencentralized as possible
Privatisation that is rooted in holistic systems not exploitation

Derrick Broze @Dbroze message resonated with me particularly. He has a holistic self assessment a free pdf I recommend you all check out. His website is the conscious resistance and he's on facebook. If we are stable on all fronts of our life and are complete people our actions will benefit us and for generations to come. The systems work together to be self sufficient, abundant, whole, and full. Synergy with yourself and others.

These messages resonated in different ways through the speakers and the people I met at the conference. Besides that I met people into permaculture, earthships, scared geometry, genetics, Ozone therapy, tantra therapy, gardening, cryptos currencies for almost every solution you could think of. I just don’t know what is going to happen with all this but it sure is exciting to be along for the ride. It sure is a shame the government hides the secret ancient knowledge of making a flat surface and putting pavement on it. If only we could figure that out then we would not need them for anything.

Just two more points I think I have to bring up because they are very important. Appreciation and addictions. Appreciate everyday you have because everything becomes a lot easier when you do. I have a journal and meditations I do everyday to remember this. Next consider the addictions you have. When you think you need something to get by or as a release from tension it is likely an addiction. Many of these things actually do the opposite of what they are used for. Cigarettes cause stress when you don't regularly smoke them. Television causes stress, anger, scarcity feeling, and brainwashing. Not exactly relaxing. True freedom means freedom from addictions as well. This doesn't mean never partaking in them again. It means using restraint from them for long enough that you longer feel you "need" them. I say 90 days some people say 21 or 30 days but it depends on your personality and how much you use them. Basically your attachment to it. Speakers and people I met at the conference are living both appreciation and restraint from addictions in their own ways.(Some are trying not eat) It is part of the holistic solution. Negative thought patterns are also an addiction. Words can be as well. Meditation will help you see what you say to yourself and others. It does matter, it effects your reality, self esteem, emotions, motivation, and more.

It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds and what the conferences will look like next year. So many smart people looking for solutions in all directions, it truly is powerful. Overall I loved the conference I only wish I had more time and energy for the speakers, to meet people, and do more spiritual healings. I think I went to bed every night at 3am or 4am and I did not drink. I was up usually by 6am as well.
Thank you all who participated and helped create such as awesome event!

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I will continue to post about the other more spiritual, healing part of the conference that I took part of. I will also post about #anarchaforko soon. I share some other goodies with you all. There is still some work to do.
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@mearone did some great artwork at the conference, check him out.
Follow if you like it.


wow these pictures are really blissful. personal responsibility is one of the fastest way to grow. too many people blame external factors, and end up small