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RE: The Landlord Analogy

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Do you reply that "rent is theft?" Most reasonable people would agree the owner of the property is due to compensation from the people living there, regardless of how they ended up living there.

This is the essence of taxation.

This is not the essence of taxation though I can see why government would want you to think this. This is actually called a contract. The owner of the building agreed to let you rent the place, and you as the tenant agree to pay whatever you agree upon.

Government does not have stewardship over the land. They have more guns than a individual can defend against. In 1933 an act was signed into law that was called Trading With The Enemy ACT and was specifically referring to the public as the enemy. I remember the exact name of the act because it had to do with another act that made ownership of gold (real money) a finable and imprisoning offense. Read the ACT for yourself.

War, prison, and rules do not support the people. Notice that officials have admitted braking federal law in congress. Note that not a one of them is in jail and I bet not a one of them goes to jail either. It really is US vs THEM and they made it that way.


This is actually called a contract. The owner of the building agreed to let you rent the place, and you as the tenant agree to pay whatever you agree upon.

And if you don't agree to pay rent what happens?