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RE: The Wounded Healer- A Beacon Of Light.

in #anarchy6 years ago

I would suggest to find your answers by turning inwards, @yogidarshan. Most of all you could be asking yourself: What made me write this comment with a negative expactation of what the answer could be? Why am I using a sentence starting with "sorry, but"? What do I know about this person? Why do I judge her?

Let's please be nice and a bit humble.


subjective (and unqualified :) opinion.Hey @yogidarshan, I'll jump in with my perspective. No 'absolutes', this just my experience-based

What exactly have you studied in order to be qualified to heal?

No 'qualification' required IMO, but study of oneself crucial ("always working on oneself"). This could also be 'knowing' how one operates - ie having deeply explored one's own wound(s) (which includes, as a first step, acknowledging it/them), There is no fixed way of anything, it is all discovery. We are greatly assisted in this by others who shareof self. Learning is non-stop, but not an effort. their experiences (like @ana-stasia does above). No qualifications reqd. and no limitations to this discovery

This would defeat the purpose, though. I thought the author was supposed to be a healer. When I answer all questions by turning inwards, then I do not need a healer, which proves my point.

Agreed 'you do not need a healer'. Rather, you are your own healer....any 'healing' coming via another being is really just energy being channeled by you and for you. You are the one that heals yourself by accepting this. Secondly, IMO, expecting anyone else to provide you with answers is to never find True answers, coz the high-grade stuff all lies within. Plenty of high-quality guidance on the 'outside' of course!

How come, then, not everybody is a healer?

Everyone has the potential to be a healer, but not all have started the process of consciously healing themselves. No 'healer' can heal a person who resists healing. A 'healer' who has not healed will likely have their own need for healing overtake any 'healing' they are 'doing'. IMO, you raise a really good point, coz, actually we are all healers (another way of looking at it is: we are already healed).

If you've made it down here, I invite you to note the resistance, the undertones of wounded aggression in the first comment you made in this thread:

"Sorry, but just being wounded does not qualify you to be a healer. Should people approach you and request healing? Have you studied healing? There is no evidence in the article that you did any of that. What exactly have you studied in order to be qualified to heal?"

Please do, if you so wish, also observe the judgements and assumptionsindirectly directed at self is but an expression of the unacknowledged wound, the buried pain. Healing, whatever it may be, is soft and gentle... self healing therefore, must mean being soft and gentle on oneself...right? within. These are expressions of wounds if you can turn 'innwards' as @mayb suggests, and acknowledge them. All judgements are essentially self-judgements - the negative energy

And before you ask, I am nobody and I love it :D

I hear that what you are saying is that people may use the assistance of somebody who has been thru the process of healing.

Everything is symbiotic, all happening at multiple levels; our individual choice which level(s) to engage with.

As I see it, 'comfort' is different from 'healing' and 12 days is not a large amount of time :D
