The fundamentals of rules without rulers -Universal Law

in #anarchy9 years ago

Excluding mentally incapacitated or suicidal humans, EVERY human on the planet agrees with the short sentence below. Basically, if you're sucking in air right now you have stated I WANT TO LIVE.

That short statement contains the entire basis FOR law, so let's break it down simply.

"I" represents PROPERTY, as in you wholly own yourself and the fruits of your labor.
"WANT TO" represents LIBERTY, which is free will to make decisions with your property.
"LIVE" represents YOUR LIFE, which is foremost for property or liberty to even exist for you.

ALL law is therefore restricted to only the tenets of life, liberty and property.

Universal law requires that the law be known, comprehensible and equally applicable for all.
The lowest common denominator must be able to know and comprehend the law. This means that the width of law is narrow by necessity, though thedepth of application is unlimited. Here is THE universal law which can be known and comprehended by all within the restriction of the three tenets.

Do what you will that it causes no threat or harm to the life, liberty or property of another.

This defines crime as having a victim with threat or harm caused to life, liberty or property. Only a "glossary of terms" is required for universal application of the depth of law, which again is unlimited.
None of this naively presupposes that all humans will abide by the law, and therefore justice must be
defined and applied.

To make things JUST is to RESTORE the victim of crime to the extent that it is possible. Restorative justice already includes punishment, also known as punitive justice, but with the added feature of victim restoration.

As for enforcement and adjudication of THE law I would refer to the system already laid out by Professor David Friedman in his work, Machinery Of Freedom.


"I" represents PROPERTY


I'm sorry you don't feel that you own yourself. Who told you that others own you?

Who told you that "I" represents PROPERTY?

That's some serious cognitive dissonance you have going on there and borders on some of the crazy hair splitting schizophrenic stuff that people use to justify all kinds of weird interpretations of law. Like those folks trying to say that maritime law trumps US Law (ask anyone being extradited to the US to faces charges under US law, what it is that trumps US Law).

Law is never about "I". "I" alone do not need law of any kind, neither do you.

Law is only required when people interact and is always entirely 100% about WE.

Law is about how WE interact, and what is OUR social contract and OUR obligations to one another.

When people get buried in "I", they start to believe that they are an island unto themselves. They use this line of thinking to justify every kind of agressive thought as somehow "I" is greater than "We".
It's a fear based narrative driven by a fear that you don't fit in and thus you are somehow an outsider to society, despite partaking in everything that society has given you every single day.

You forget the sole purpose of law.
Accountability to others

I'm going to make a reading suggestion for you, though I doubt you'll take it (even though the work is free online). Bastiat- The Law PS- Your law is legalized plunder of the individual to conform to something that doesn't exist. You might also take a peek at the video synopsis I left by Professor David Friedman, though I doubt you'll do that either.

"Since no individual acting separately can lawfully use force to destroy the rights of others, does it not logically follow that the same principle also applies to the common force that is nothing more than the organized combination of the individual forces? f this is true, then nothing can be more evident than this: The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful defense. It is the substitution of a common force for individual forces. And this common force is to do only what the individual forces have a natural and lawful right to do: to protect persons, liberties, and properties; to maintain the right of each, and to cause justice to reign over all.”

@maytons. You can doubt as you wish. You are free to do so. But compare your first statement "law is nothing more than legalized plunder" to your second "organizing for the common defense'

This is what i mean by cognitive dissonance. There is no individual natural universal law. Law only exists when two or more people are involved.

Sorry if i sounded more harsh than i intended. I was exhausted when i wrote the above and not functioning at my highest levels.

Very typical statist response. Misquote my words then claim cognitive dissonance applies. You've committed numerous logical fallacies throughout William. Good day.

This is a good post and a good video presentation. But how do we get there from here? I'd like to see a presentation on that. I suppose you'd have to start on a very small scale and then work your way up.

Agreed on the small scale. The start point is always the most difficult although some of the elements are currently in place (insurance companies, private security and private adjudication).

What happens when your jurisdiction doesn't recognize Universal Law?

All humans agree that they want to live though that doesn't mean they will afford others the same respect. Even under statism we recognize this. This is where restorative justice comes into play in conjunction with free market systems, such as laid out in Machinery of Freedom.