When we look at the evolution of human consciousness throughout history, it is ideas that have spurred growth, not systems or 'things'. Of course, technological advancements have benefited society, but our moral, ideological values are still very much in the stone ages. And, if we do not align our moral, spiritual values with the technology we have created, it could spell disaster for the human race.
When, for example, slavery was abolished, a new system wasn't installed to replace the old one, but a new idea was born. It was an idea that changed the world. The outdated, erroneous belief that there was legitimacy to slavery was replaced with a new, moral philosophy based in truth. People matriculated to higher levels of awareness though coming to the realization that, regardless of skin color, we are all connected.
When you see the other as you see yourself, you want for the other as you want for yourself. This is the idea, that once fully realized, will change the world.
In Lak'ech - I am another yourself
In Lak'ech is an ancient, Mayan saying that holds the key to unlocking our true potential as a species. It quite literally means, I am another yourself, and is a phrase that was etched into Mayan culture and tradition. I first heard the term from Max Igan, a truth researcher and human rights activist that ends all of his internet talk shows with the wisdomatic saying.
Unfortunately, through the ego that has taken control of every aspect of our lives, we see ourselves as separate from one another. Social status, income, clothing, looks and, yes, skin color and race, are the egoic boundaries we have created that stop us from realizing this ancient truth. Whilst we have made progress with social justice movements such as the abolition of slavery and women's rights, we still see people 'over there' as different from us.
We see the people of Iraq, for example, who have suffered horrendous injustices at the hands of Western empires, as 'different'. The ego fosters the illusion of separation which, in turn, allows us to justify the war crimes our governments actively carry out. If we saw the Iraqi and Middle Eastern people as we saw ourselves, we would not allow such heinous crimes to continue.
This, of course, is an extreme example, but we also see those lower down on the income ladder as 'less' than ourselves. The entirely fictional monetary system, which holds absolutely no value in nature, blinds us from seeing the truth. Many 'bosses' and managers see their employees as separate from themselves because they are earning a lower paycheck and fulfilling a different role within the company. The lower, middle and upper classes in society are the three biggest illusory distinctions. The labels of 'first', 'second' and 'third' world countries confirm that we suffer from a collective state of insanity.
In order to become sane and create a better world, we must see past these artificial boundaries that only serve to keep us in a lower state of consciousness. We must combine the ancient wisdom of our ancestors with the modern technologies of current science. We must see the other as we see ourselves.
Thanks for reading,
In Lak'ech
Good post, It is a simple principle but there are many layers to what it really means and how it can be expressed and this is constantly getting updated by our experiences.
Thanks for reading.
I like your mind the way you enter into the personal and out of the fear @mckeever
Thanks for the kind words @elissahawke - love your stuff
Thanks for posting. I think of this time as the time of reawakening of the anima after centuries of dominance by the animus. We are reclaiming our sense of connection and oneness, but the divisive powers are still quite active. That said, I find the love/oneness/ videos a bit repetitive. We are one. We are all love. We are nothing but love. Love is all there is. Not that I am saying it's wrong, but I think we are trying to put into words a non-rational concept, so it comes out kind of vapid. Your post is better than the video; although I get the tie-in.
Thanks for reading and the compliments!