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RE: Why Are Peaceful People Becoming Anarchists?

in #anarchy7 years ago

Anarchy is extremely unstable and always leads to a concentration of power with some individuals or some group. It's not a valid ideology or political belief because it can't exist in the real world. Minarchism is a valid political belief because it involves some form of power being concentrated.

The government has two specific purposes: to enforce and uphold the law of the land, and to defend its people from external threats.

Governments have assumed far too much power because the people became complacent. Reduce the power of government to the point where it can only perform its basic purposes.


We're not talking about a vacant throne; we're talking about not having one at all.

That's not possible. Where there is any form of society there is a throne. It happens in the animal kingdom and it has happened at every point in human history.

Maybe the future has new stuff in it.

Since the entire history of animals, dating back to the earliest groups we know of, involves some sort of power structure and hierarchy, it is absolutely delusional to believe that the future could somehow be any different. Power dynamics are inherent within every species. You cannot fight nature.

I agree, i try to keep an open mind, when reading about this no goverment stuff ,
my mind keeps going to the places around the world where there is no functioning goverment.

I feel goverment is to big, and we should be looking at making it more efficient but abolishment is just crazy.

Take away goverment, warlords appear, groups like issl, hell Somalia is a perfect exsample of a country without a functioning government, and it isnt the utopia of concerned ppl looking out for each other, its a hell hole, where peaceful ppl are enslaved to warlords just to be left alone.

Democracy isn't perfect, but it is the best system we have ever had. We are more feed, safer, live longer, and have a higher freedom then ever in history.
Ok the system need work, and in 150 may look alot different.

So you think that we should support the violent coercive warlords that control our lives, because if not we would be controlled by coercive violent warlords? What if a majority of people were opposed to coercive violent warlords? And what if those same people were even moderately self sufficient and capable of self defense? Many people are almost or already there.

First of, its nice to see you have discovered you can reply on a relavent post, instead of running around following me from irrelevent post to post spouting this at me.

YES i do think we should, because out of all the warloard we could follow, as you put it. The one i following looks out for me.

"And what if those same people were even moderately self sufficient and capable of self defense? "

You telling me ppl in the 3rd world arnt capable of living self sufficentcy?
Dispite most of them living of grid and on subsitence farming already?
And why do they live like that?
They havent got a functioning goverment

And i read this stuff not to argue, but to try to understand why people have these ideas, maybe be converted by a compelling argument, or at the least understand how ppl think it will all work,
i love the ideal of no goverment, just dont think it could ever be pratical. I know i wont convince you @miscreantpie

And i respect your passion and vigor, but please, keep the coversation to rellevent post,
Ppl disscussing there experiance with abuse dont need to hear your thoughts on taxsation, its close to spam at that point,
Thanks for the chat

Coercion with a smile is still coercion. You don't get to ignore facts and pretend to be an innocent victim because someone is persistently trying to convince you to stop robbing people. My persistence is not spam, it's conversational self defense. The actions that correspond to the ideas you hold are violent, to the degree that using physical self defense is not unjustified, you should consider yourself lucky I have enough compassion to take the time to explain why you are wrong in hopes that you will change. I do this because it is in both of our best interests. Peaceful conflict resolution is far more effective than using violence, and should be used whenever remotely possible. Keep in mind however "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable"

Best wishes, don't get yourself caught up making peaceful revolution impossible, it's all too easy to do in this world.

Just feel if this is how you go about trying to change someones mind you that you have missed the mark,
I dont feel the system is perfect, and i believe any change to such a complex system will be small and gradual, as it has been since we lived in trees. To make change be the change, live to your beliefs treat everyone with respect, defend your ideal, dont attack others for there's,

To live in a world with no authority we must be our own authority. We need to realise we are all capable of evil, and we arnt this benevolent being, that given the means and power wouldnt abuse it. The system we are in contains the worse of our own dark side, because this dark side still exsits in all of us, untill humans as a hole learn to deal with this in them selfs, we will never govern our self.
Its not i dont agree goverment is bad per say, i just dont think as a society we are emotionaly grown yet to govern ourself.
If your keen read this the following, its on your side, may explain my mind set. A tad more

Democracy is tyrannical. It's the tyranny of the majority. A constitutional republic is the only way to go to ensure a small government will protect the God-given rights of the people.

Anarchy is a brief transitioning period between an old system and a new one. Like you said about Somalia, it's run by warlords. Mad Max is probably a good look at how far anarchy gets us.

Under democracy we don't have more freedom than ever. We have less freedom than was had in the 80s and 90s. Democracy has taken away our freedoms far more often than it has protected them.

I don't think any one way of doing things is perfect. Some people want government, others would prefer to stick to nomadic ways. Many advocate smaller governments which has got to be better than a big all powerful one. You can at least walk out of there with small government if you're not happy.