I love the idea of us all coming together but I honestly don't think that it will happen. There are too many powerful forces like the Deep State and it's ilk that are determined to divide us.
You have to really make an effort to look through the distraction if you want to see what's really going on and too many people are more concerned with being entertained than with learning the truth.
The social engineering programs have worked very well, you can see it all around you.
Honestly the problem is "anarcho"-capitalists attempt to justify their actions while doing nothing different from what every capitalist does today, not to mention not fundamentally changing the system but rather resetting it back hundreds of years, so we can just deal with monopolies like standard oil all over again.
I discussed our goal in my most recent post, and spoke of how we do not intend to force "capitalists" to join us.
As I said in that article though, y'all are in for a rude awakening as y'all do literally nothing to smash the state, and we both know that's the only way we can bring it down.
Because of this most anarchists are communist and most who are switching to anarchism become communists. Not Capitalists.
If y'all hardened the fuck up and accepted the fact that the government violates the NAP and thus violence is encouraged against the state if they will not willingly stop (they wont) and participate you may have some respect.
Till then, to us an-coms, you're just larping dirty capitalists that have a sick way of justifying their inhumanity.