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RE: To My Anarchist Friends: Why do You Hate Sports?

in #anarchy8 years ago

I hate televised sports because we were always forced to watch every sporting event to the detriment of anything else on TV. No matter whether my father was watching the program or napping, reading the newspaper or not even in the room, if we switched channel, he would be annoyed.
Watching sport on TV, therefore bores the hell out of me.


What about lives sports? Do you go to live events, or do you dislike them altogether?

I don't loathe the TV coverage of skiing (just about the only sport I'll watch on TV, plus the Olympics, but as that happens once in 4 years, I guess it doesn't count). My husband watches F1 motor racing and sometimes I'll watch that, but only for the Monaco race (we've visited that track) and on the odd occasion I'll watch TV coverage of motorcycle racing.
I dislike watching most sports and the only live events we would go to would be some kind of motor sport. I prefer concerts, gigs etc - even going to support local bands.
I'm afraid any love for sports has been thoroughly quashed, which is a shame really as there are a few sportsmen in my family history.
Saying that, we've watched the Superbowl coverage with great interest. The Americans certainly know how to put on a lavish show!