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RE: Is Taxation Theft? - We Asked Canadians & The Results Are Terrifying!

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Thank you for this... I am canadian and very frustrated with my fellow canadians... I didn't want any part of the canada 150. I see so many people that are beguiled by the bread and circuses and it disgusts me. I am not proud of this country or it's people. Turdeau disgusts me. The waste and excess of our parasitic government, our lack of a spine, the rubber duck and the red bouncy ball that cost tax payers 100ks (and were payed to american artists, no less!!) all infuriates me. What disgusts me most is the arrogant attitude that we are somehow better than the US, when we are just their little bitch. There is a sense of complete naivete and a total lack of accountability. A bunch of complacent, passive children that don't want to be bothered with any difficult questions...Living in lala land! The only reason we are so passive and polite and accepting of our slavery is that many of us are on the government teet, so they are taken care, at the expense of the future generations. We also happen to be spread out in a large resource rich country and a small population, which allows for people to largely go about their business in total denial, without having to bump shoulders with too many others. If our population was anywhere near that of the US, people would not be so "friendly"and accepting. Following you!