By the way Lukes stance on the 'talk about ideas not people' seems irrational at first glance.
When someone puts forth ideas and arguments it is only natural to address that they came from this person or to address this person in a conversation and then go forward discussing the ideas of this person.
As far as I see this is was Graham did.
The short maxim 'talk about ideas not people' is more about (to prevent) not making ad hominems,
e.g. you are shit, you are garbage, this and this is why you are a despicable human being...
and therefore all your ideas and arguments are invalid (which is of course hybris and an invalid argument or ad hominem).
And then for a short second,
there are also sometimes reasons to talk about people or rather the actions of people to point out their hypocrisy, lack of integrity, lack of intellectual sincerity and to point out that they are bullshitting you and this is a valid form of critism of the way they put arguments=ideas forth.
Thank you! The gaslighting was starting to make me feel insane!