-NEW VIDEO- Dirty D.A. Terrorizes Police Accountability Media Producers! -?PLEASE HELP?-

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Make your voices heard read info below!

Donate here Free Uncle Bob! DA Underhill is a Pig Fucker! https://igg.me/at/NRhhrFysQ3s

Violating the Eighth Amendment is an issue for me, especially when you got a district attorney and judge violating it.
DA's contact information: 503-988-3162

http://mcda.us/index.php/about-the-da... http://archive.is/2roYL

Judge's contact information: 503-988-3008

http://www.courts.oregon.gov/Multnoma... http://archive.is/QX7Q8

Stack v. Boyle:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_v... https://supreme.justia.com/cases/fede...

The confession and dismissal of the court case against the guy who destroyed the property & attacked the cop watcher who was investigation Son of Hightower arrest:
The Dude actually told us on camera on the way into the court room he sawed the phone in half! The D.A. Refuses to charge Him with a crime!

Videos involving the crap the police and DA are pulling against Robert West:

D.A. Rod Underhill Needs to be stopped!


You got to get onboard with the marcratic method if you hope to win in court.


" marcratic method"

Yes, the skype chat is frankrizzo3, but don't tell them I sent you, or they won't give you a chance.

Once you learn the one, two, three you should be able to get every judge and lawyer to commit a crime, on the record, from there it is a matter of the judges above them, if they are criminal you don't have much hope.

Either way you can negotiate a better deal once you let them know that you know what is up.
If you knock one out of the park we might upset the apple cart.
If you go into court with a lawyer you will just be sold a deal, might as well just plead guilty.