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RE: Scary Russians!

in #anarchy7 years ago

There are no countries and governments in truth, only people and how we treat one another, the animals, and the environment we need to survive in.
What we need is an entirely different mode of thinking and a rearrangement of what we deem as most valuable. Our entire social structure is built on lies and falsehood, so we can't ever expect something good and pure to come out of it.

I think the ideas of religion, government, and banks sprung up around behavior of people and what others in the same tribe or adjacent tribe thought was acceptable or not acceptable. The single, common thread with these man-made concoctions is CONTROL! The ideas and concepts of self ownership and self government are not new, in fact, there have always those who wish to live apart from the cesspool of cities, and there have always been majorities that gang up to go take away what those productive men produce for themselves and their family! Productive and self-reliant men have always been the target of actors who have no survival skills and cannot do the hunting, fishing, planting, tending, and gathering themselves. But if just one or two are in on it, the scam doesn't work. They have to convince the physically strong to go along with it. There always has to be the threat of violence to back it up!

The isolated, productive man who simply wants to be left alone, must be made to comply by force, so those who think manual labor is beneath them, can take their sustenance from another. They must send their "law" enforcement slave dogs with guns to go and violently steal from him. If he defends himself, he is then branded a threat or a terr'ist and has to be "neutralized." The thieves that send the robber-killers will always hide behind words, they use words as their instruments of control.
This is all part of the plan, institutions are just figments of the imaginations of men and designed to separate people from their sustenance through legally worded theft, called taxation.
What this boils down to is that there are only two types of people: the haves and the have nots. Governments have always been used to steal, kill, and destroy, and have not ever protect the common people.
As long as there are greedy men plus counterfeit currency in the world, the corrupt will always float to the top just like shit in a toilet bowl. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.