The Loot brought over from Spain by fellow LandPirates
In Norway, tabacco products including rolling papers are heavily taxed.
Since learning even before traveling about how the world is working and doing my own research on law, I voluntarily decided to stop paying voluntarily taxes. I can hear your mind saying "Pff this guy has lost his mind - He is breaking The LAW!"
Well, actually im not. You could also go learn yourself about law and soon realize how much of a story it just is. You would even find people who the general public see as an authority figure, admitting that to pay tax is indeed voluntary.
Here this organic rolling tabacco would cost 15 x 250 kr = 3,750 kr and instead I paid 1000kr. In Spain it would have cost 750kr.
Stop thinking that people need to go to university to learn about Law for one example. Anyone with access to the internet can learn everything there is to know about laws and legality's.. both being different things you were led all your life to believe that they are the same thing.
Tax is part of the modern day slavery!
Check out the pennyless journey from Germany to Norway 1200km on a bicycle with my dogs, camping gear and a guitar.. Ive started to blog here it only on Steemit. You want original and very inspiring reading material?! huh? Well if you don't then go back to Fakebook! Here is Steemit, No Boring Shit should be on the top post's!
Part 1- Entering Denmark
Part 2- Abandoned Hotel
Part 3- 420 Jam Session
Part 4- Nils' House & Christiania
Part 5- Arrived In Sweden!
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- Smart Phone's and Stupid People
- Toms Cabin- Why Pay Rent?
- Its not What you Know , It's Who you Know
- The Government Benifit's

Beside I'm not smoking and would prefer people smoke more ganja, thumbs up to pay one thief less instead of paying a lot to the other thief.
But in reality not get rid of taxes fucks me up already a long time, and still no real solution. Because, while you can avoid some of the gang theft, it is almost impossible to avoid the robbery on transports - except you drive by a recycled bicycle or by auto stop (which another person pays instead the robbery).
Every shop or store you by something in the most countries you can not avoid the robbery because the gang is putting the merchant responsible to collect the extortion money from the costumer.
Where I'm at the moment you can at least come away with some products through the still existing black market. While for other products you are forced to pay for the gang extortion. Unhappily people are here not smarter, the majority even thinks there should be more extortion, more criminals in costumes and the extortion should be more enforced - in name of more progress. Poor dump stupid people. The result is more faggots (sorry to gays, I have no problem with them and would a gay never call faggot. I refer ever to criminals in uniform when I use the term faggots) on the street which extort even more money from people which do something productive instead of stealing productive people.
Fuck statists, fuck the faggots(police), fuck government. Peace and freedom to all the rest. It's time to build a anarchist brotherhood to exchange merchandise outside the system.
You can avoid tax on food because you can go get the daily edible perfectly fine food thrown out each evening at closing time :)
Yes this would be a possibility, but not really one I would consider (at the moment). But I don't wan't to avoid taxes on sacrificing my freedom, here the freedom to purchase what ever I want to purchase on which I agree with the merchant. Unhappily the criminals are so clever to put the gun on a third person, to blame you later that it's all your fault. I would also prefer mostly to grow our own food, but that seems almost impossible because of the need to move :/
Dude did you buy that tobbaco on Málaga? XD Same bag as the bags of the shop where I work. XDDDDDDDDDD
HAHAHAHAHAHAGHAHA Yeh its most likely from Malaga, I wasnt there though!
fucking small world ! gotta follow you then , its a siiiiiign!
Nice work man
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