It's easier not to care. It's easier to listen to the mainstream media than it is to type something like, "Donald Trump Patriot Act" into the Google search box.
Too many people STILL think that the government is here to help THEM. They refuse to believe that it's truly impossible for most politicians to actually care about those that vote for them.
Let's take Trump for example. The man couldn't keep what most people believe is the most sacred oath one can make and that is to love, honor, cherish your spouse. He couldn't keep that ONE promise to ONE person. People seem to believe though that he'll keep a promise like....."I'll end ISIS within 30 days of my inauguration". REALLY??? Even if that was possible, do you think he'd have the knowledge to do so? He can't keep his marriage promise to one person, yet he is going to worry about keeping a generic promise like lowering the deficit to 300 million people he doesn't even know.
I, for one, don't think we'll ever do away with government totally, but, I do think we can and I'd like to have a government that will leave me alone. A government that believes in the same liberty that I do. Liberty meaning I should be able to do whatever I like as long as it doesn't interfere with your liberty, your meaning anyone. I should be able to stick a needle full of heroin in my arm as long as I am willing to accept that I very well could DIE from it. I should be able to smoke a joint if I like. I should be able to play poker from my living room and use my bank account debit card to fund that endeavor. I should be able to drive from El Paso to Dallas without being questioned about my nationality. I should be able to enter the airport without the risk of being sexually violated by agents of the state, etc, etc, etc.