Personal Privacy- Is It Still Attainable?

in #anarchy8 years ago

That depends. Depends on which entities and individuals have an interest in invading yours, and for what reasons.
If you have a clean record, aren’t doing anything of particular interest to anybody, then sure—you can follow the information on this blog, drop most of the way off the radar, and nobody is likely to bother you ever again. Have enemies, a criminal past, or heavy obligations to others? Then attaining privacy becomes more difficult. Yeah, somebody will likely have an interest in you, but will usually have finite resources. Manpower is expensive. Is unearthing your current whereabouts worth $50,000.00 to anybody? $10,000.00? Even a lousy G-note?
If you are actively being sought by law enforcement, attaining privacy is next to impossible. The strategies on this blog will offer little help—at least in the long term. Best you can hope for? Create enough misdirection to keep the wolf from your door a bit longer.
And if you do something truly crazy—take a shot at the president or engineer a big terrorist incident, then all bets are off. There is no chance of getting away with it, no matter how carefully you plan. The Feds have infinite patience and unlimited resources. They will painstakingly beat the bushes and connect data points until they unearth find somebody who knows or saw something. Which is as it should be.
A word about my personal worldview: Although I enjoy exploring conspiracy theories and love listening to Alex Jones as much as the next guy, my work as a privacy consultant is not motivated by a sense that “they” are all out to get us, or that some nefarious governmental Helter-Skelter is about to come down. No, I’m not arguing that “they” aren’t intent on rounding us all up and putting us in underground FEMA camps attached to former Wal-Marts. But since I can’t prove any of it (and since that sort of thing really isn’t my area of expertise) I will, for the most part, pass on speculations. But I’m sure many readers have a thing or two to say in this regard. Feel free… have at it.
So when it comes privacy issues, consider me to be a “nuts and bolts” guy. I’m committed to helping my readers achieve personal privacy—whether the actors working against it are motivated by a desire to overthrow the existing order and lock up dissidents—or merely sell us a bunch of crap. Fair enough?
