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RE: A Friendly Message to the Steemit Anarchist Community

in #anarchy9 years ago

I'm a vet and I approve of this sentiment, though I've never felt the need to validate my anarchy. One thing I'd point out is that Anarchy actually means without rulers, not rule or rules. There are some fantastic pieces on DAO/Insurance based economies that outline some viable alternatives to the nation state. has their entire archive of newsletters up until today, filled with information that addresses the lack of a plan you cited.

So there is a viable plan, but anarchists disdain the idea (as do I) of seizing 'power' and forcing anyone to do it, because it stands against every ideal of anarchy. You can't force a horse to drink, but I think with continued dissemination of ideas, we can help shape the paradigm shift that is required to remove the veil from our collective eyes.

I'd have your six bud.


Awesome! Glad to know this...

Your affinity for @prufarchy has increased +10! :)

Thank you for that website tip.. I'll dive into that. I agree and assumed what the situation was on 'plans' and agree that seizing power would necessarily be required for anything to occur in the short term, but that would be a hypocritical move for anarchists. Nature abhors a vacuum and if a revolution like that were to happen, I wouldn't want to be around for who picks up that check.

You can't force a horse to drink, but I think with continued dissemination of ideas, we can help shape the paradigm shift that is required to remove the veil from our collective eyes.

Brilliant. That could be a great post by itself!

Many thanks for the great response. If you're interested, we should do a podcast/hangout sometime with a discussion on this topic. Shoot me a memo sometime!