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RE: A Friendly Message to the Steemit Anarchist Community

in #anarchy9 years ago

It's arguable that really only that first war that started this whole experiment was the one that protected freedoms. Since then it's been expansionist in nature. World War II was no threat to the mainland of the US and did not serve to protect our freedoms but instead discriminated against a minority of the population and jailed them.

So I'm definitely down with giving props for the Revolutionary War, but after that the whole narrative falls apart for me.


Well, you could throw the war of 1812 in there as well. The british were literally capturing citizens and forcing them to serve in the british navy.

While that was used as a justification, it wasn't a very widespread practice. The more general claim was harassment of ships by the British navy. Even with that, was war the answer, or could problems have been dealt with in more civilized ways? Much of the country was opposed to the war, especially in New England. It was often argued at the time that it was a war of imperialism and conquest, and that the true objective was to annex Canada (which was under British rule.)

Eh... on a long enough timeline, it would have most certainly been a threat to the mainland. I'm sure there are a lot of secret squirrel stories we don't know about the German American Bund members being rounded up and 'disappeared'. The German SS were NOT the German Army. They were specifically chosen and indoctrinated to possess racial ideology, which is markedly different from the ideology 'indoctrinated' into those who swear an oath to the Constitution. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and if there weren't numbers of ships from the Pacific Fleet outside of the docks, the naval war in the Pacific would have been MUCH different had they sunk every boat that would have been there. A threat to the Western Seaboard would have been more real than it was already.

The enemies of liberty and freedom within our government worry me more than enemies from abroad, and that held true during WW2 as well.

I have to wonder how you felt when you saw the video from the ISIS training camp in Jordan.
The clip that pissed off the Jordanian leaders... because it was IN Jordan, and clearly visible on the far right as the camera briefly panned to the right was an Israeli colonel standing there.
Oh! You didn't see it?


Wait .. you think I'm surprised about the Obama administration and the Clinton State Dept. essentially training and funding militant groups with 2nd and 3rd degrees of separation from IS?

Nope. Not surprised at all. But no, I didn't see that video.

But that said -- you know what would happen if IS killed off all the non-believers? They'd start killing each other over the Sunni vs Shia divide. That should tell you all you need to know about that ideology.

@blakemiles84 The enemies of freedom in the government haven't managed to topple it yet, unless your one of those people who think we're currently living in a distopia; TBH I'm worried about Trump because he falls outside the bounds of our standard presidencial candidates. . . But aside from that I trust the American people to make the right descisions enough of the time to create the society they want. Also, I wrote you a reply about my thoughts on anarchisms feelings about the military, but I included your rep number in the handle.

purge the partisan tunnelvision man, and wake the hell UP!
Notice how all the neo-cons are now for Shillery? Ahem, its not a very wide aisle apparently.
They have to keep the illusion of a 2 party system afloat, so people with the tunnel vision keep playing the mythical tug-o-war.
IT ISN'T REAL man, any more than the reasons they told you to go to IRAQ.
It was a Wall St war, and you were a pawn.
Trump has pulled back the curtain (more like a thin lacy veil) on the little wizard man.
The real sludge at the bottom gave him the lead, and the others didn't like to see and realize the bottom dwellers were driving their 'party' ... news for them, they always did.
As for the ISIS training camp with the Israeli colonel, do a search, if learning the bare truth doesn't frighten you. Read about the Jordanian response to the video. Its AN EYE OPENER.
Its NOT the "OBAMA State Dept", its the same freakin State dept we've ALWAYS HAD. Kerry/Obama isn't doing anything they aren't told to do by their paymasters... like the folks in the PNAC, they are STILL in charge. YES. Purge the partisan mental conditioning, along with all that brain washing you suffered in the military.
Senator Kagan's wife Victoria (Fuck the E.U.) 'Nuland' (real name Noodleman) is giving Kerry his orders. If you PAY ATTENTION you'd see it. She monitors everything he does, stands over his shoulder, watching his every move for fuck sake.
Don't ask for sources man, do your own homework.

purge the partisan tunnelvision man, and wake the hell UP!

The things I'm saying aren't partisan. I simply believe there is a big difference between Trump and Clinton. I don't consider myself a Republican, but I despise progressivism because it always leads to more government intervention into daily life. How is that partisan? I have no love for the GOP as an organization and I see the DNC as a destructive force.

Its NOT the "OBAMA State Dept", its the same freakin State dept we've ALWAYS HAD.

I'm not looking back wistfully at previous State Departments. I'm pointing out that the State Department with bureaucrats "appointed" by the Obama administration has done a superb job at accelerating the destabilization around the globe. How is that objectively false?

Purge the partisan mental conditioning, along with all that brain washing you suffered in the military.

Being told you've been brainwashed is always an interesting conversation. What exactly am I brainwashed about ?

Don't ask for sources man, do your own homework.

I do my own homework in my own time. If someone says that there is something out there I should look at, I may or may not. I'm not sure what you think it will change in my mind? I will ask for sources because you're the one who brought it up.


I haven't been in the military since 2011.

I know the Republicans and Democrats are basically playing a rigged shell game with no possibility to win. Power is centralized in DC and state capitals due to an ever-increasing reach of scope and authority from the federal and state governments.

What the hell do we disagree on again?

The revolutionary war was a counter-revolution which had nothing to do with securing the freedoms of the general public and everything to do with securing the economic and political freedoms of the American aristocracy.