Written by: Nathan Riva
Steemit- riva-16
YouTube- Nathan Riva
Twitter: NRiva1989
Has Infowars completely sold out? Has it been a controlled opposition outfit all along? There are may people who would argue for the latter. Following alternative media circles for the past five to six years I have encountered a lot commentary berating Alex Jones as a "Zionist shill" and "controlled opposition". But I have never been shown sufficient evidence that would validate those accusations. Much of the evidence is hearsay, and to be frank, a bit of jealously. Now, I hope readers don't misinterpret that as support for Mr. Jones or his operation; to the contrary, I am very much opposed to his way of producing news, and would agree with the assessments that he is a sensationalist, over exaggerates, lies, and peddles fear porn. I think most people would agree with some of those characterizations, even the most fervent of his supporters. Many people who decided to take the proverbial 'red pill' would have encountered Jones early, and since moved on to a more sophisticated analysis of current events. Some will go back for the sheer entertainment value, but not take the man too seriously.
Which brings me to my main questions. Why the hell am I even talking about this man? Why should anyone even care? The answer to those question is simply: his overwhelming influence in the alternative media. And when you scroll through the headlines of the Infowars YouTube page you see things like: "Bombing North Korea May Be The Last Horrible Option Left" (May Be?), or "LEFT Preparing To Plunge America Into 2nd Civil War". Reading the comment sections you can find it littered with extremism, the exact same extremism that it found on the left. Many people openly calling for civil war against the 'leftists'. This is a far cry from the more libertarian ideals which used to be found there. Suddenly since the selection of the Lord Emperor, Donald Trump; shooting missiles into a sovereign nation isn't a war crime, it's "four dimensional chess", selling arms to the Saudis is just not talked about, and Marshall law and civil war might be a good idea after all, as long as it's to stop those damn 'leftists'.
Anyone who has seriously looked into the structure of the political arena can clearly see the left and the right serve the same interests. The ideals of each political camp used to created a divide among the people, and while the people fight and bicker about which party or ideology should be in power, the ultimate power structure stays in place and continuous agendas can be carried on without interruption. Syria is a glaring example of this; but unfortunately, many people have drunk the Trump cool-aid and fail to acknowledge this.
One could argue Infowars was instrumental in Donald Trumps (s)election. Even Hilary Clinton mentioned Alex Jones by name during that circus of a presidential race. The entire Infowars drama that has carried on since the election has aroused my suspicions. A channel once with a more libertarian minded approach has been replaced with nauseating statists grovelling, begging, and cheering for their further enslavement. But it's suppose to be different this time, the 'alt-right' is in control. Even the term 'alt-right' stinks of a PSYOP to me.
Nevertheless, here we are: Donald Trump the current puppet in chief brought to power by thousands of patriotic Americans. Believing and hoping that things will be different; ticking a box for their 'hero' of choice and thus legitimizing a totally corrupt and morally void system. Not only has the system been legitimized once again, with total tyrannical authority over all citizens (thank you patriot act, which I haven't heard trump utter a word about), but it's been done so by the alt-right. A worrisome thought once you look and see how things have been set up: a cabinet full of Goldman Sachs, an economy continuing its downward spiral, an extremely divided country, and generals in important civilian positions. A recipe for disaster it seems indeed.
However, it gets worse with the unabashed support for Trump by the alt-right community. Infowars, which has over two million subscribers continues to grow in popularity as they persist in their identity politics. Nothing that Trump does can be wrong, which is, to me, the most concerning thing. The narrative has been shaped in such a way that it is the left and the democrats which are responsible for the ills of the country; and it is the democrats who try and stop Trump at every turn. When you surf through Infowars or any other Alt-right news outlet this seems to be the overwhelming subject of discussion. The enemy has been given face, the left. It has also been given names like ANTIFA. This is such a sly and deceptive con that it does raise many questions for those who are looking at the world and thinking. Questions like: will there be some sort of actual civil war, or civil unrest? Will the alt-right community cheer for tanks and military on publics streets? I think the answers to those questions could be yes. Especially with the narrative that is beginning to take form. As long as it's done to defeat those "damn commie bastards" and those 'terrorists' (that UAS/Israel/ Saudi funded armed and created with the endless wars, but don't worry about that)I feel the alt- right Trump supporters would welcome it with open arms. Sadly, I think people actually yearn for it, the predictive programming has been that strong.
So what does the Steemit community think about this current Trump / Alt right predicament? What the hell has happened to Infowars AKA Infowhores? Have they been a controlled opposition outfit all along ? Are they whoring themselves out for money and status? I know I have taken the idea of AJ being controlled opposition more seriously since this past selection.
On one final note I do understand how harmful groups like ANTIFA can be, however, those who understand the game know these sad lost dupes and are merely pawns in a larger game. Unfortunately, some of those who considered themselves awake are now paws in the same game. This game is most clearly and evidently defined as the 'game of divide and rule'. Are you going to take the bait? I hope not.
Here is a video that can illustrate some of these points in more detail.
Jones is definitely sensationalistic and I don't agree with a lot of what he says but I do credit him for waking more people up than anyone else.
You are right, the left/right paradigm is a two headed snake with the body and tail consisting of entities like the military industrial complex, the Deep State and globalist individuals like George Soros.
The same tail that Kennedy crossed with his rejection of Northwoods, the FED and so on...
People like Jones wake a lot of people up but they also alienate a lot of people.
What we need are leaders that are more inclusive and appeal to a wider range of all people, black/white, gay/straight and all religions only then will the awakening to the tail of the snake reach critical mass.
I find that sad.