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RE: the project that will evolve us all

in #anarchy7 years ago

I had a thought similar to this. In only a few short years, when everyone is using blockchain technology, the "government" as we currently know it, if not actually dissolved by electing someone like Adam Kokesh, will be dissolved organically, due to irrelevance and lack of funding. (If the government can't force us to pay taxes, why would we willingly support it and its slavery?) But then, the big question is "who will build the roads?".

Well, a real community (as opposed to a virtual community) could build a blockchain account in which the real community members join. Members (who use the roads of that community regularly), having a vested interest in keeping them maintained, could VOLUNTARILY contribute currency and/or votes to the account. I could also see signs posted on roads that say something like, "if you are grateful for the free use of this road, please consider upvoting or contributing to its maintinance account at "bla bla bla". Visitors could then, VOLUNTARILY contribute to the continued maintinance of that road, to ensure that they continue to have the ability to conduct business, visit family members or vacation in the places accessed by that road.

This could also be applied to entire (real) communities, towns or cities. The "city" blockchain account would not only build the community consensus, but also the funding for the consensus. If an individual does not want or like something that is being proposed, they simply stop funding it. Leaders of these groups (however they are chosen) are continuously being kept in check by the possibility of the members witholding votes and or funds.

Also, (due to no official government) proposed new roads could only be built if enough funding to pay for that road was collected, either by donations or votes.

If the road that the community plans to build needs to go directly through someones land however, and that owner decides he doesnt want to sell his land, the community would then have to aquire more funds to either offer the land owner more money, or redirect the road. Either way, there would be no violence or theft involved in the building & maintinance of that road, but complete VOLUNTARY exchange.

The key is VOLUNTARY!

Now, this idea may play out in a zillion different ways, but I think you get the idea.

What is so amazing about this is that it requires groups of real people coming together, communicating and working through any hurdles that may arise.

It would also be beneficial for each member (follower) of the community or road maintinance association or whatever to have as high of a voting influence as possible. Higher influence of all members would enable greater funding for the project through the rewards pool. So, i could see real community members VOLUNTARILY coming together to assist its members in financial growth and influential (steempower) growth.

So, i see Steemit and blockchain technology growing into the "anarchist/voluntaryist" solution to the many questions that were previously without a definitive answer. Its exciting!

I also see that the first steps in making this possible are:

  1. Getting as many people as I can on board with blockchain/steemit technology.
  2. Building up my own SteemPower.
  3. Helping others build their SteemPower.

For the first time in a VERY LONG TIME, I see a positive future for America and mankind, as a whole.

Thank you @iamthenerd for posting this. Im excited to read about other ideas! I know the possibilities are endless!