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RE: Nonviolent Censorship is how Nonviolent Societies create Nonviolent Government

in #anarchy8 years ago

I think we should be able to Censor and Self Censor annonymously.

This weeds out the herd mentality; atleat the victim (the censored) blames nobody.


I'm going to dive into the need for secret polling of public opinion as a necessary precondition for breaking out of a situation where everyone is censoring just because everyone else is censoring even though no one really agrees with it anymore.

I hope you're joking.

Just because you claim it's an anarchy that won't make it so. People have to own themselves and no one else for it to be anarchy.

There is literally no worse sin against self direction than a government or excuse me, "concerned citizens group", running a secret trial, in a secret court, against charges which are secret.

If people want a thing, they need to grow a spine and stand up for what's right.
Doing a secret poll in order to try and justify something is how fascist dictatorships are born. It's also passive aggressive as hell.

Hiding in secrets will never end well.

You need to trust people to act in their own self interests. Don't worry, they will.

Add a 7 day decay to the rep system. Have it decay to 0 for everyone, positive or negative.
Make it do so automatically based on simply shutting the hell up for a week.
The problem goes away and you don't need to ask anyone to hide behind a secret poll.

Also it makes us all equal again.

I agree with your main concept, but a seven day decay in practice wouldn't work. Some people here make high quality content, but only every week or so. We spend weeks working on just one big thing, and we expect it to pay off.

If reputation decays, we'd look like zeros, even though we worked really hard on good stuff.

Amazing how we self censor ourselves.
While we may do it with good intentions, we are putting a lot of information in the back of our minds and just leaving it there because of censorship and self censorship.
I was about to self sensor myself and not introduce myself last night.