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RE: The Strongest Evidence That Anarchy Works

in #anarchy8 years ago

This is so spot on @kryiacos, I had this exact conversation over the weekend that turned into more of an argument where all I could do was give up. Why have so much trust in the government to lead? Mostly what they've done in the last 50 years is lead us into a state of debt and depression all the while they send troops to other countries to try and change how those countries function, this blind faith is just stupid, they dont think for themselves they trust that the people leading us have degrees and experience in leading, thats a load of hogwash! these "degrees" are a social construct, a "status" only available to those that fit the narrative, these degrees in politics are engineered to maintain the status quo!

Things are gonna change, and its starting to happen already, we are living in interesting times and I welcome Anarchy, Anarchy will bring forward our true leaders, people that can find organisation through chaos. Love this piece of yours man. thanks for the write up.


i think everything holds together because people believe in governments. they don't actually work or do anything to hold things together. everything runs on its own.